воскресенье, 3 января 2016 г.

Quotes by William Shakespeare, remains relevant to this day 

1. It is not a sign of callousness - silence. Thunders only that empty inside.

2. Since honey is sweet, that, finally, he is bitter. The excess kills the taste of taste.

3. We are irritated by trifles, when affected by something serious.

4. Mother Nature is wise, but the son of brainless.

5. Where few words, there is the weight they have.

6. Love runs away from those who are chasing her. And for those who run away, throws himself on the neck.

7. Stupidity and wisdom as easily grasped as infectious diseases. So pick yourself comrades.

8. Hell is empty. All the devils are here.

9. Most people prefer the wisdom of foolishness, stupidity for the laugh, and the wisdom of sad.

10. Men are like April, when looked after, and in December, when he married.

11. Hope for pleasure is almost as enjoyable as the very pleasure.

12. Not too Kindle furnace for their enemies, otherwise you will burn in it themselves.

13. The success of the acute words dependent on a listening ear than the language of the speaker.

14. What is the name? Rose smells like a rose, rose even name it, at least not.

15. Each of madness has its own logic.

16. You can fall in love with the beauty, but love - as soon as the soul.

17. Raven mud peremazhet wings. No one will notice anyway. A swan, despite all efforts, could not Wash with white spot ...

18. At a glance, you can kill the love, one can also look to resurrect it.

19. A coward dies every danger to him as a brave death overtakes once.

20. Poor crushed insect suffers just as a dying giant.

21. Three rules for success: know more than others; work more than the others; expect less than other.

22. There is nothing neither bad nor good in this world. There is only our attitude to anything.

23. The best - straight and just the spoken word.

24. Oath of data in a storm are forgotten in calm weather.

25. The sins of others to judge you so hard rvёtes - start with their own and other people before you reach.
How to materialize his thoughts

▫Pogovorka that "all of our thoughts materialize" - not just empty words, and proven by scientists and psychologists fact that they are directly linked to the law of attraction.

▫Esli think about it, each one of us, thinking about something, soon noticed that the idea of ​​"embodied" in life. For example, a woman dreaming of account certain man noticed that he really began to give her attentions ...

▫Esli look at the power of thought, on the other hand, it turns out that all the troubles, problems and troubles we ourselves are ordinary attract into your life: complaining of poverty, did not get out of debt; not complaining about failures in his personal life, it remains alone; I am thinking of poor health, always "picks" sores and viruses, and so on. n.

▫Konechno, all this can be attributed to the usual coincidence, but ... By studying the subconscious, scientists have long come to the conclusion that our thoughts - a kind of magnet, attracting desirable and making it real.

▫Iskhodya of this, many psychologists are seriously engaged in the development of techniques that are mastered, most people reach for a minimum period desired: to become a successful, more secure in material terms, are making progress in their careers and create happy families. How does this happen? Long formulation is reduced to a simple conclusion: to be successful, you need to learn how to think and desire!

✅Zhelayte carefully!
Because the first rule of the law of attraction is that our desires correctly formulated, it will certainly come true. But not immediately. Probably, many girls had noticed a pattern: the dream of a guy inconsolably lesh tears in the pillow, trying in vain to attract attention sweetheart. As time passes, she forgets about his passion, and that you will get: the once beloved passion appears on the horizon.

And all because (and this is proved by research scientists!), That we, the law of attraction, involve themselves in all their lives, with the result that there have. That is, unconsciously desired, sooner or later becomes effective. This applies to almost all areas of life: health, career, wealth, relationships with the opposite sex.

✅Pomnite, our thoughts - our desires
Our subconscious mind is inextricably linked to the universe that captures our thoughts, perceiving them as our desires. Therein lies the greatest danger. When a woman complains that she was lonely, the universe receives a complaint for ... the desire and the idea materializes. As a result of years go, replaced by the fans, but the woman - is still alone ... Because by gravity SAMA drew in his life alone, and begin to think differently can not or does not want. After all, to eradicate the habit of thinking about the poor is not so easy - for most of us is easier to complain about the fate and grumble that life does not add up.

And a vicious circle: we complain - the universe records "complaint" as a "desire" - "Desire" performed - we complain more ... The same can be said of our fears. Not for nothing is said, that happens to us is what we are most afraid of.

✅Dumayte right!
The foregoing suggests the question: how to learn to think correctly - so that change the destiny for the better and bring in your life good?
The answer is simple: our desires need to learn how to formulate! And before it does not hurt to get rid of the old, negative thoughts, which we used to live. They need to throw away like old stuff, to review the past, to define a happy future, and now think of him only positive! Our own beliefs, painted in dark colors, are the key to a hopeless life with a bunch of problems and the lack of bright prospects. It's time to change!

✅Vizualiziruyte your desires!
This - the most efficient and valid method for the materialization of his own thoughts. To delight, need to understand and clearly understand what you want and think through all the details. Share Report
15 vital tips that are not taught in school 

1. Do not stand on the sidelines when it comes to your destiny.
2. Keep yourself in their hands. Hysteria has no one done smarter and prettier.
3. Be courageous and humble at the same time. And in his actions, and in appearance, and in the words.
4. Determine when the joke is appropriate and when - no. And Be able to "slow down" with humor, when circumstances require seriousness and restraint.
5. Motion gracefully.
6. Say a firm "yes" and a firm "no" when necessary. Do not go with the crowd, does not bend under the authority and do not try to be like everyone else. Your "yes" and "no" should be heard on behalf of your common sense, and not on behalf of your fears, self-doubt and someone's whims.
7. soberly assess their capabilities. Risk - a noble cause. But if the chances for victory critically low, we must be able to stop. Luck is not always and not for everyone. Therefore, when you risk, you should always be a "plan B" - in case the risk is not a ride.
8. Listen and slyshte. Do not interrupt and do not impose their views.
9. Coordinate your inner world to the outside. And do not copy anyone.
10. Know how to count money and treat them properly.
11. Feature rudeness, arrogance and aggressiveness of courage, courage and fearlessness.
12. With a clear conscience pass by things that do not go to you. Do not follow fashion trends to the detriment of its beauty. If you are dressed in the latest fashion brands, but you do not go, then all at once it becomes clear that you have no taste, and you rely only on the glossy magazines.
14. Cherish your friends and their feelings.
15. Follow these promises.
16. Keep your back straight. Even then, when the mood at zero and self-esteem fell below nowhere.

понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

The power of words

One day a young Thomas Edison came home from school and my mother handed over a letter from the teacher.
Mother son read a letter aloud, with tears in his eyes: "Your son - a genius. This school is too small and there are no teachers, it can learn something. Please teach it themselves."
Many years after his mother's death (Edison had already been one of the greatest inventors of the century), he somehow revisited old family archives and came across this letter.
He opened it and read:
"Your son - retarded. We can not teach it in school with them. Therefore, we recommend that you learn it yourself at home."
Edison sobbed for hours. Then he wrote in his diary: "Thomas Alva Edison was mentally retarded child. Thanks to their heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age."

One day a man found an eagle egg, and put his chicken.
Eaglet grew up with chickens and become like them: he cackled as they dug into the ground in search of worms, flaps its wings and tried to fly.
Years passed. I have already raised the eagle in the sky saw the proud bird.
With extraordinary grace she overcame the wind, only occasionally waving his large wings.
Enchanted, the eagle said:
- Who is it?
- It is an eagle, the king of all birds - the neighbor replied. - He belongs to the sky. And we, chickens, belongs to the earth.
So the eagle lived and died like a chicken like chicken, because he believed in his chicken origin.
Your environment affects you, whether you like it or not, remember it, and that the limiting beliefs that environment are not a measure of your ability.

32 Council of a successful life, drawn from the Tibetan manuscripts.

1. Speak slowly, but think fast.
2. Do not judge people by their relatives.
3. When you say "I love you" tell the truth!
4. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
5. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.
6. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
7. Always keep in mind your favorite poem.
8. Do not believe everything you hear, spend all you have, sleep until sleep enough.
9. Great love and great achievements involve great risk always.
10. When you lose, you try to learn from it, and even use.
11. Respect yourself, respect others, Responsibility for all your actions.
12. Do not let a little dispute ruin a great friendship.
13. When you realize you made a mistake, do not try to gloss over it, and a quick fix.
14. Every day, spend some time alone.
15. Be open to change, but do not let go of your values.
16. Sometimes silence - the best answer.
17. Read more books.
18. Believe in God, but always lock your car.
19. In disagreements with loved ones, refer to the current situation. Do not bring up the past.
20. Read between the lines.
21. Share your knowledge with children. Today it is the only known way to achieve immortality.
22. Be gentle with the earth. Not sorite.
23. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
24. Do not meddle in the affairs of others, do not let the blank board.
25. Do not trust those who kisses you, without closing his eyes.
26. Once a year, go someplace you've never been.
27. If you earn a lot of money, some of them put them to help others.
28. Remember, do not get the desired - it is sometimes a stroke of luck.
29. Listen to the doctors, but learn to break some of their inhibitions.
30. Judge your success by what you had to sacrifice to get it.
31. Your "I" - is the end point of your journey.
32. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon - not like and do not cook on other people's recipes.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

To get out of your comfort zone, it must first be

You know, everything I want to get out of your comfort zone. Not only customers. Relatives, friends, acquaintances. Decent-looking friends!

Pale chronically enough sleep people saying: "You just have to get out of your comfort zone and chase yourself to the gym." People with panic attacks say: "We must get out of your comfort zone and stop feeling sorry for yourself." People living painful, very savory life, saying, "would have been out of your comfort zone and stop to eat sweets." This is not the worst alignment. Some simply say "stop to eat." See cardinal solution.

I begin by words such anxious eyes twitch. Let me explain.

What is a "comfort zone"? It is a place where the warm, cozy, free, delicious, happy and safe. Where is your love and respect. Where to take care of you (and you, too, care).

And many of us simply do not have such a zone where we care about. In the best case there is an area to lie down or roar. It's more than nothing, but not quite. It's like alcohol in the cold - basically helps, but not for long.

Finding himself in a comfort zone, it is necessary to stay a little longer. Relax. And then - go.

This feeling with what can not be confused - when the forces on all missing, and you're ready, perhaps even learn something; wake up early in the morning and run to yoga; think about the working draft, which is six months hanging in the plans.

And here it is very important that the impetus for action came sooner than she thought. First, you start to do - then you think. Not always with a song, sometimes it's painful joy to overcome, and I think what the hell I got behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner - but certainly not the last effort. Useful because it was interesting.

People who talk about the "get out of your comfort zone," typically do not have in mind any interest. If we translate this expression into common parlance, it means something like this: I now somehow sucks, but if I torment myself even more, maybe I would be better?

Well I do not know. If the person with flu, and even flogged in the stables, maybe then he will recover. But this is unlikely to whipping.

Often it sounds like a self-accusation: "Yes, I'm too lazy, I just do not want to leave the comfort zone." And these words, or taste the painful shame ("I'm not good enough, I'm not up to standards, though burst") or guilt ("I'm not trying, I'm not done, and I will love no one"). A shame and guilt as burdock, will always find something to cling to, no matter what real progress you may have made. Even if you finally stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop to eat at all (although it is not a success).

But the limit of forces no normal person would not last long.

As a result, any crawl back into the "comfort zone" or fall into clinical depression (when it is not bad mood, and diagnosis) or heavy psychosomatics.

Which version you like better? I was the first.

Moreover, the court hard times. Information pressure. Financial crisis. Winter. There is no sun. And if you suddenly know how to reach the comfort zone, I propose to remain there at least until spring.