вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

Scientists: Women can learn on the views of men of his intentions

Scientists came to the conclusion that only one woman on the views of men able to predict his plans and desires accurately determine further intentions regarding the relationship with her.

A team of researchers from Texas spent enough scientific research to say that women are capable only of the male gaze to pinpoint all the intentions and desires of men with respect to relations with them. Psychologists agree with this theory, recognizing the right of opinion to exist, because the theory has a number of evidence.

The study involved students who were asked to provide some intentions with regard to women, and then showed a photo "darling", covered with sheets of paper. Men are not allowed to open the photo of the woman or the top, looking at the face or the bottom, looking at the figure. Thus we found out that 50% of men who did not think about a serious relationship, it looked at the figure of a woman, and who are willing to create a family and looking for a life partner - on the face.

Thus, if a man on a date considering the figure of a woman, it is possible to conclude that the non-serious intentions, as the authors of the theory.

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