воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

To get out of your comfort zone, it must first be

You know, everything I want to get out of your comfort zone. Not only customers. Relatives, friends, acquaintances. Decent-looking friends!

Pale chronically enough sleep people saying: "You just have to get out of your comfort zone and chase yourself to the gym." People with panic attacks say: "We must get out of your comfort zone and stop feeling sorry for yourself." People living painful, very savory life, saying, "would have been out of your comfort zone and stop to eat sweets." This is not the worst alignment. Some simply say "stop to eat." See cardinal solution.

I begin by words such anxious eyes twitch. Let me explain.

What is a "comfort zone"? It is a place where the warm, cozy, free, delicious, happy and safe. Where is your love and respect. Where to take care of you (and you, too, care).

And many of us simply do not have such a zone where we care about. In the best case there is an area to lie down or roar. It's more than nothing, but not quite. It's like alcohol in the cold - basically helps, but not for long.

Finding himself in a comfort zone, it is necessary to stay a little longer. Relax. And then - go.

This feeling with what can not be confused - when the forces on all missing, and you're ready, perhaps even learn something; wake up early in the morning and run to yoga; think about the working draft, which is six months hanging in the plans.

And here it is very important that the impetus for action came sooner than she thought. First, you start to do - then you think. Not always with a song, sometimes it's painful joy to overcome, and I think what the hell I got behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner - but certainly not the last effort. Useful because it was interesting.

People who talk about the "get out of your comfort zone," typically do not have in mind any interest. If we translate this expression into common parlance, it means something like this: I now somehow sucks, but if I torment myself even more, maybe I would be better?

Well I do not know. If the person with flu, and even flogged in the stables, maybe then he will recover. But this is unlikely to whipping.

Often it sounds like a self-accusation: "Yes, I'm too lazy, I just do not want to leave the comfort zone." And these words, or taste the painful shame ("I'm not good enough, I'm not up to standards, though burst") or guilt ("I'm not trying, I'm not done, and I will love no one"). A shame and guilt as burdock, will always find something to cling to, no matter what real progress you may have made. Even if you finally stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop to eat at all (although it is not a success).

But the limit of forces no normal person would not last long.

As a result, any crawl back into the "comfort zone" or fall into clinical depression (when it is not bad mood, and diagnosis) or heavy psychosomatics.

Which version you like better? I was the first.

Moreover, the court hard times. Information pressure. Financial crisis. Winter. There is no sun. And if you suddenly know how to reach the comfort zone, I propose to remain there at least until spring.

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