понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

The power of words

One day a young Thomas Edison came home from school and my mother handed over a letter from the teacher.
Mother son read a letter aloud, with tears in his eyes: "Your son - a genius. This school is too small and there are no teachers, it can learn something. Please teach it themselves."
Many years after his mother's death (Edison had already been one of the greatest inventors of the century), he somehow revisited old family archives and came across this letter.
He opened it and read:
"Your son - retarded. We can not teach it in school with them. Therefore, we recommend that you learn it yourself at home."
Edison sobbed for hours. Then he wrote in his diary: "Thomas Alva Edison was mentally retarded child. Thanks to their heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age."

One day a man found an eagle egg, and put his chicken.
Eaglet grew up with chickens and become like them: he cackled as they dug into the ground in search of worms, flaps its wings and tried to fly.
Years passed. I have already raised the eagle in the sky saw the proud bird.
With extraordinary grace she overcame the wind, only occasionally waving his large wings.
Enchanted, the eagle said:
- Who is it?
- It is an eagle, the king of all birds - the neighbor replied. - He belongs to the sky. And we, chickens, belongs to the earth.
So the eagle lived and died like a chicken like chicken, because he believed in his chicken origin.
Your environment affects you, whether you like it or not, remember it, and that the limiting beliefs that environment are not a measure of your ability.

32 Council of a successful life, drawn from the Tibetan manuscripts.

1. Speak slowly, but think fast.
2. Do not judge people by their relatives.
3. When you say "I love you" tell the truth!
4. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
5. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.
6. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
7. Always keep in mind your favorite poem.
8. Do not believe everything you hear, spend all you have, sleep until sleep enough.
9. Great love and great achievements involve great risk always.
10. When you lose, you try to learn from it, and even use.
11. Respect yourself, respect others, Responsibility for all your actions.
12. Do not let a little dispute ruin a great friendship.
13. When you realize you made a mistake, do not try to gloss over it, and a quick fix.
14. Every day, spend some time alone.
15. Be open to change, but do not let go of your values.
16. Sometimes silence - the best answer.
17. Read more books.
18. Believe in God, but always lock your car.
19. In disagreements with loved ones, refer to the current situation. Do not bring up the past.
20. Read between the lines.
21. Share your knowledge with children. Today it is the only known way to achieve immortality.
22. Be gentle with the earth. Not sorite.
23. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
24. Do not meddle in the affairs of others, do not let the blank board.
25. Do not trust those who kisses you, without closing his eyes.
26. Once a year, go someplace you've never been.
27. If you earn a lot of money, some of them put them to help others.
28. Remember, do not get the desired - it is sometimes a stroke of luck.
29. Listen to the doctors, but learn to break some of their inhibitions.
30. Judge your success by what you had to sacrifice to get it.
31. Your "I" - is the end point of your journey.
32. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon - not like and do not cook on other people's recipes.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

To get out of your comfort zone, it must first be

You know, everything I want to get out of your comfort zone. Not only customers. Relatives, friends, acquaintances. Decent-looking friends!

Pale chronically enough sleep people saying: "You just have to get out of your comfort zone and chase yourself to the gym." People with panic attacks say: "We must get out of your comfort zone and stop feeling sorry for yourself." People living painful, very savory life, saying, "would have been out of your comfort zone and stop to eat sweets." This is not the worst alignment. Some simply say "stop to eat." See cardinal solution.

I begin by words such anxious eyes twitch. Let me explain.

What is a "comfort zone"? It is a place where the warm, cozy, free, delicious, happy and safe. Where is your love and respect. Where to take care of you (and you, too, care).

And many of us simply do not have such a zone where we care about. In the best case there is an area to lie down or roar. It's more than nothing, but not quite. It's like alcohol in the cold - basically helps, but not for long.

Finding himself in a comfort zone, it is necessary to stay a little longer. Relax. And then - go.

This feeling with what can not be confused - when the forces on all missing, and you're ready, perhaps even learn something; wake up early in the morning and run to yoga; think about the working draft, which is six months hanging in the plans.

And here it is very important that the impetus for action came sooner than she thought. First, you start to do - then you think. Not always with a song, sometimes it's painful joy to overcome, and I think what the hell I got behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner - but certainly not the last effort. Useful because it was interesting.

People who talk about the "get out of your comfort zone," typically do not have in mind any interest. If we translate this expression into common parlance, it means something like this: I now somehow sucks, but if I torment myself even more, maybe I would be better?

Well I do not know. If the person with flu, and even flogged in the stables, maybe then he will recover. But this is unlikely to whipping.

Often it sounds like a self-accusation: "Yes, I'm too lazy, I just do not want to leave the comfort zone." And these words, or taste the painful shame ("I'm not good enough, I'm not up to standards, though burst") or guilt ("I'm not trying, I'm not done, and I will love no one"). A shame and guilt as burdock, will always find something to cling to, no matter what real progress you may have made. Even if you finally stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop to eat at all (although it is not a success).

But the limit of forces no normal person would not last long.

As a result, any crawl back into the "comfort zone" or fall into clinical depression (when it is not bad mood, and diagnosis) or heavy psychosomatics.

Which version you like better? I was the first.

Moreover, the court hard times. Information pressure. Financial crisis. Winter. There is no sun. And if you suddenly know how to reach the comfort zone, I propose to remain there at least until spring.
Be smart - it's good. But it is better - to be wise

The wisdom is different from umnosti?

Smart woman to find her husband's mistake, poke his nose. And recalled that she had warned him about it. A wise woman - support, embolden, sometimes pretends not to notice.

Smart woman in crisis will take the reins and teach her husband to live right. A wise woman subtly show him the direction and support to the intention to reach there.

Smart woman will teach children math, no matter what. A wise - will see in each person.

Smart woman at work will try to be better than others, and not to make mistakes. The majority of colleagues will treat it very cautiously. A wise woman will create a team atmosphere of love and warmth.

Smart woman will not interfere in the lives of their adult children, giving them unsolicited advice and recommendations, telling them about how to raise children. A wise woman will allow children to get their experience and support in any situation.

Smart woman will deal with the influence of her mother in law, to assert their independence from their parents, argue with them because of their tips. A wise woman learns to smile, to listen in silence to accept. And to do on its own. With love.

A smart woman wants to change the world, to remake all the people around. A wise woman will begin to change itself. And accept others as they are.

Smart woman thinks happy is he who is right. A wise woman knows that the rights of someone who is happy.
What it is really necessary for our children?

Some time ago I took an interesting conversation. The fact that in June 2011, came to us Stephan Hausner and his family. Stefan - known in the world of facilitators and homeopath. He and his wife have six children, and the youngest - 6 years (This Stefan and his wife - 50).

And the organizer of the event told me about his approach to child-rearing. The fact that Stefan arrived with a baby, do not adjust to its program under his desires. Son was just all the time with my parents. And they traveled to the sacred places of our region, have been at the Museum of the blockade and so on. In general, the normal six year old child it would be too sad and boring. But their son was pleased and happy.

And what Stefan told - really surprised me and made me think. He said that ordinary parents are busy coming up with a permanent employment for their children. We always want to somehow occupy and entertain. So children cease to occupy themselves, and they need more of our participation. "I'm bored. What should I do?". They are demanding more and more attention, and parents do not have so much energy and capacity to meet all the children's wishes.

From an early age children attend educational group, then clubs, entertainment centers, amusement parks. The whole industry is based on the fact that at the weekend the parents take their children "have a rest". Zoos, water parks, dolphinarium, aquarium, theaters, cinemas, museums, karting ...

What finally gets the child? A bunch of emotions, experiences, new desires. But most importantly - he is never satisfied. He gets out of Disneyland after a day of riding on the roller coaster and eating ice cream. And to the question: "Well?" Says that something is not enough, something was not pleasant.

Is it even possible to have a large family in this format, as it is now? Indeed, sometimes a child is completely exhausting parents whims, desires and behavior. And if these two, three, six?

Perhaps not entirely appropriate metaphor. But for some reason I can imagine little mother-monkey, which causes children to ride a giraffe, and then dragging them to go to school, where they live polar bears. Rather, it will business as usual, to which harmoniously fit children. And they will learn from mom how to live in this world.

Why are we so? That is not enough for children and why we are so zealously engaged in this endless razvlekaniem?

There is a contact?

The child needs contact with mom and dad. And contact as possible should be permanent. It's not about that all day to sit and look at it. Contact is the ability of the child at any time address to the parents. With the request, with the desire to share something with the pain.

When a baby is born, the first thing he lay on his stomach mother. He needs continued contact. And the first time he asks her to be as close as possible. Sleep together, worn in a sling, breastfeeding.

Over time, this close contact is transformed. From flesh - in a more emotional. Biennial baby is important to show mom your skills, get pozhalelku after the fall, help in a difficult situation.

The three-year need all the answers, assistance in establishing contacts with the world of self-service skills training and assistance.

And children often need to know that they have the opportunity at any time to turn to my mother. At any time when you need it. If a child has this understanding, he would not pull the parents every five minutes. Because he does not need to prove it yourself.

It's like living in a big city. Most of the residents of cities, according to opinion polls, do not need to go every day to the sights. But they appreciate the opportunity at any time to go to the Hermitage or the Red Square.


In today's world, parents can not ensure the child such contact. We lost at work. From morning until night. And on weekends we want to compensate for their lack of "buying" loyalty to the child's regular entertainment. And this again is not the desired contact with parents.

Is in contact with the child - is not easy. Allow it to pull us out of the important things to evaluate the picture. Or hear his sudden proposal for a walk during a heavy rain. Or even simply to observe that it is not on its own - even if he does not talk.

If he has no contact - he always will be something not to miss. Each of us can look at your life and realize that all life we ​​are looking for something. We are always short of something important. From early childhood.

Maybe that's why we are constantly trying to draw public attention - the clever ideas, outrageous behavior of their achievements? Maybe that's why we do not believe in the sincerity of other people and do not know how to build relationships? Maybe it was the lack of contact with parents - the reason for our low self-esteem, complexes and negative programs?

After all, when something was different. When my mother was not working, and I engaged in farming. The children grew up with her, helping her around and learning from it. Grown children took with him in the field or in the forest father. And the boys learned from him. A girl's mother taught her the finer points.

Yes, people were living differently. They have not traveled the world in search of impressions, not moved from place to place, not my friends, cars, garden. Maybe they just did not have the need for a constant flashing of pictures outside, having a rich inner world?

Selfishness as a disease of our time

A child whose parents indulge all his whims, ensure the fulfillment of all his desires - whether we like it or not - is growing selfish. He did not understand why he needed to give up something, something to give in, someone to serve. He lives with his childhood in the entertainment world that revolves around his persona. And he does not distinguish between needs and wants. For him it is - one and the same.

He does not see an example of service. Because parents are not engaged in the service of each other. Especially a child. After all, true worship is not to indulge his whims. And to give what they really need. Reacting to his needs.

The parents do not give children contact, replacing it with pleasure. And since the very love their children, they try to give the maximum of pleasure.

So growing up, we think that all of us have something. Parents should buy us an apartment and a car, pay for education. The state is obliged to provide us with social programs.

And it seems that all that some of us think. What someone thinks about us bad that someone is thinking of us well. What we all have to deal with. Our world revolves around us. And so we have a permanent set of public attention: "What will people say?"

Also, we think that everything should be on our way. Therefore, the husband should do, how I want the children to behave as I should. Even God has to give me all that I want.

And facing the family heads together two egoist, none of whom did not want to concede. At the third light appears selfish, for which we are willing to sacrifice a bit of their own interests. But not enough to come out of his shell and touch the heart of his soul. And just so that he, too, had its own armor with us.

It's easier. Simply buy a gift, something to talk heart to heart. Simply to celebrate a birthday in a cafe than to bake a cake with a soul. Simply for the weekend to go to an entertainment center than to go hiking together. Simply buy a finished house than to build it together. Simply take a round the clock nurse, so she raised a child.

As it was, and I've got

I remember my childhood and realize that it is the happy part - is the time when we lived in a hostel. When my mother was not possible to deal with an entertainment for me. And she had no one to leave me. That's why I was against it. Visiting sometimes at work, at the store, the post office, the Savings Bank, in the passport office, on business trips.

I sat at the table with adults, where there were no other children. And one might think that I missed. But I listened to their conversations. I was wondering - what it's like to be an adult? What are their thoughts, problems, anxiety?

Yes, not always I loved it. Especially sweltering post office queues and bureaucratic offices. But I had known from childhood, how to fill out the papers and what the window of their stuff. I knew how many there are and how much food they need to prepare something. We wash hands underwear, I ironed clothes. Together with my mother cooked delicious cakes and biscuits, 6 years old could already be alone at home. And my mom was for me calm.

I was not bored. I was glad that my mother takes me with him. Up to a certain age - which I myself said that more will not go with it. Because I is not interested.

Now my children grow. And I see that they are calm and happy when we took leave of them are at home. Or walk. Or go together somewhere. On vacation we go to where we wonder. Because the usual holiday in Turkey or Egypt at the rate "all inclusive" we do not endure.

I at this point still need to find this line. After all, my mother had no other options. I have. And sometimes they seem to be easier and more attractive.

According to Stefan sunk deep into my heart and impressed me. I realized that it is impossible to bring up so many children. It clearly Stephen Covey, who I respect immensely, raise their nine different.

I realized how often I fall into this trap. When I go to shop for shoes themselves, and buy another constructor. When I put the baby cartoons on demand. Again I saw the score of my sons clothes cabinets and dozens of boxes of toys.

I often choose activities for children, not for the family. Zoos, playgrounds, amusement parks. And in such a situation we are all very tired. Returning home exhausted, though with lots of experience.

But when we make a choice in favor of total relaxation - walks in the park, or a trip out of town to visit, chatting with friends in a bath - the effect of the other. Children are calm, we - are satisfied. And there are forces, there is inspiration. This does not mean that we do not go to zoos and amusement parks. Sometimes - there are also there. When all of this would be desirable.

I was the oldest child in the year started to drive on developmental activities. I still do not understand why. Junior developing home. And he learns very quickly. He already knows how to wash your hair, how to cook porridge, as the comb. Once even almost shaved :) Well, the machine did not stand the blade.

At home, I try to do things to the maximum, not the children. They this time with me. They eat - I wash the dishes and talk to them. They play - I am working. They wash - I hung the laundry. They see what is in everyday life. How to prepare food, how to wash laundry as trailing mandala ...

I'm near. They can always call me, and I will come. And I think it's more valuable than amusement parks, trampolining, educational centers and kindergartens.

Yes, we still took the eldest of kindergarten ever. Although he went there only for half a day. Because he lacks communication and at home. With his brother, with the guests on the street. Sport, too, he is - but the ones that need it - speech therapy and psychological. And he was more comfortable at home - he is not sick, he is fast-paced, learning, growing.

What do they want our children?

They just want to be with us. Have the opportunity to learn from us. Be in contact. And if we can not provide them with permanent contact - perhaps should change the attitude, for example, to rest?

Many families go on vacation to where the children will be fine. At the same time they own it boring and uninteresting. They themselves would be something different - mountain hikes, alloys, trips to the city. Happy Children, seeing such sacrifices parents? I am glad if the child's children's resort, if mom and dad bored and sad faces?

And will it be hard for your child to wander with you on trains and planes, if your eyes light up with joy? So there is great difficulty traveling with a backpack and a tent if the evening the whole family is united around the campfire?

Why parents do not start doing something that they themselves wonder together with their children? At the same time made clear that it is your desire. Which can be interesting and child (and not that "We go to a museum, and you give me 10 years thank you say")

It is important to determine the transition point - when the child begins its own interests, its own life, its own plans. And from that moment to give him privacy. Seeing the experience of his parents, he will be aware of how to fulfill their desires, so that all of it was good.

Our children want us to be happy with them. To my mother, sitting in the decree, I did not feel like a marmot. To Dad renounced his hobby because of them. In order to leave all the rest. To Mom and Dad did not ask her if the baby brother, but made the decision themselves.

They do not need our sacrifices, for which we are 20 years later will invoice: "I raised you, fed, and you ...". They do not want that for their sake we sacrifice my happiness, relationships.

Along with the happy parents - the child becomes happy. And the key word here, two - "together" and "happy." Both are equivalent.

Being close with happy - does not mean ownership. Being unhappy with - does not mean happiness. Therefore, let us learn to be together and happy.

I wish every child, so that he could feel with happy parents!

вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

Scientists: Women can learn on the views of men of his intentions

Scientists came to the conclusion that only one woman on the views of men able to predict his plans and desires accurately determine further intentions regarding the relationship with her.

A team of researchers from Texas spent enough scientific research to say that women are capable only of the male gaze to pinpoint all the intentions and desires of men with respect to relations with them. Psychologists agree with this theory, recognizing the right of opinion to exist, because the theory has a number of evidence.

The study involved students who were asked to provide some intentions with regard to women, and then showed a photo "darling", covered with sheets of paper. Men are not allowed to open the photo of the woman or the top, looking at the face or the bottom, looking at the figure. Thus we found out that 50% of men who did not think about a serious relationship, it looked at the figure of a woman, and who are willing to create a family and looking for a life partner - on the face.

Thus, if a man on a date considering the figure of a woman, it is possible to conclude that the non-serious intentions, as the authors of the theory.
13 things to keep in mind when life hits you in the head

Each of us is difficult times. And we survived them. However, some people deal with them more easily than others. What is their secret? Professor Carol Morgan said, it's all about our attitude to what is happening.

1. What is, is.
The well-known saying of the Buddha says, "Your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is." Think about it for a minute. This means that suffering is only possible when we refuse to accept what is happening. If you can change something, take action. But if the changes are not possible, then you have two options: to accept the situation and let go of negative or long enthusiasm and passion to suffer.

2. The problem becomes a problem only when you call it so.
We often become bitter enemies themselves. Happiness is really a matter of opinion. If you think something is a problem, then your emotions and thoughts are filled with negativity. Think about what lessons you can learn from the situation, and it suddenly ceases to be a problem.

3. If you want to change things, start by changing yourself.
Your outer world is a reflection of the inner world. You probably know people whose lives are full of chaos and stress. And unless it is not because they themselves are in a completely random order? We like to think that changing circumstances have changed. In fact, it works in the opposite direction: we need to change ourselves, to change the circumstances.

4. There is no concept of "failure" - only an opportunity to learn something.
You just have to delete the word "failure" from your vocabulary. All great men have failed again and again, until successful. It seems that Thomas Edison said: "I have not failed in the invention bulb. I just found 99 ways, it does not work. " Learn something from your so-called failures. Learn how to do it better next time.

5. If you are not getting the desired, then something better is on the way.
I know sometimes it's hard to believe. But it's true. Usually, when you look back at your life, you realize that good things happened after that it was impossible. Perhaps the work for which you have not taken, would have alienated you from the family as opposed to the one you got in the end. Just believe that everything is exactly as it should be.

6. Appreciate the moment.
He will never come again. In every moment of life is something valuable, do not let it pass you by. Soon everyone will be a memory. Perhaps one day you will be missed even in those moments which now do not seem happy.

7. Let go of the desire.
Most people live with "connected intelligence". This means that they attach great importance to their own desires, and if you can not think about it, they fall into the negative emotions. Instead, try to practice "isolated mind": if you want something, you'll still be happy, regardless of whether you wish to receive or not. Your emotions in this state remain neutral or positive.

8. Understand your fears and be grateful to them.
Fear can be a great teacher. And overcoming fear often makes you closer to victory. For example, when I was in college, I was afraid of public speaking. So now it seems funny that I'm not only talking to a group of people on a daily basis, being a teacher, but also learn the art of public speaking. To overcome fear only need practice. Fear - is only an illusion.

9. Allow yourself to experience joy.
Believe it or not, I know too many people who can not afford to have fun. They do not even know how to be happy. Some are so dependent on their internal problems and chaos that have no idea who they are without it. So, try to allow yourself to be happy. Let it be a small point, but it is important to focus on the joy, not the difficulties.

10. Do not compare yourself with others.
But if you compare, it is only with those who are worse than you. Unemployed? Be grateful even for the fact that you are getting unemployment benefits. Most people in the world live in extreme poverty. It does not look like Angelina Jolie? I think very few people like her. And you're probably much more attractive than most. Focus on that.

11. You are not a victim.
You are only a victim of your own thoughts, words and actions. Nobody does anything for you or against you. You create your own experience. Take personal responsibility and realize that you can survive the difficulties. You just need to start by changing thoughts and actions. Discard the victim mentality and become a winner.

12. Everything can and will change.
"And this too shall pass" - one of my favorite sayings. When we are stuck in a bad situation, it seems to us that there is no escape. It seems that nothing will not change. But you know what? The changes will be! Nothing lasts forever, except death. So give up the habit of thinking that everything will remain so forever. Do not stay. But you have to apply some action to change the situation. It will not magically change itself.

13. Everything is possible.
Miracles happen every day. It's true. It is a pity that it is impossible in an article to describe all the wonderful things that happened with my friends, - the fourth stage of healing from cancer to a sudden meeting with your partner. This happens all the time. You just need to believe that it happens. One day, believing, you will already be able to win the battle.
As intelligent people communicate with those they do not like

Would not it be great to live in a world where there is understanding, harmony and all understand each other perfectly. Alas, life is arranged a bit differently, and some people really annoy us - as we are, perhaps, someone annoying.

1. They recognize that they can like not everyone.
Sooner or later you will encounter a person who is completely opposite point of view. Smart people understand this. And they recognize that conflicts or disagreements may even be beneficial, because they show a difference of opinion.
If someone does not like something, it does not mean that he is a bad person. You're spending in some things, but disputes sometimes invent new solutions. Once you recognize that you can not please everyone, and please everyone, emotions recede into the background and it will help to learn to listen to the opinions of others.

2. They are patiently to someone who they do not like.
Of course, you can overreact to any action you bad man, annoyed because every detail, but still try to be a little more tolerant.
Communicate with people who are not afraid to argue. It is not easy, but it's worth it. Such people challenge or provoke us to help achieve goals and move forward. Remember that you are not perfect, but still remain around you suffer.

3. They are polite.
Regardless of your feelings for someone else, the person is likely to be configured to you just as you are to him. If you're rude, you probably get a rude response. "Keep the mark" and be polite, not letting emotions take over.

4. They understand that everyone makes their own way.
Sometimes we expect too much from others. Somehow selfishly we assume that others will go the same way as would have done and we are in a particular situation, or will say the same thing would have pronounced ourselves. However, it is not. Expect the same from others of their behavior is tantamount to advance to set yourself up for disappointment and frustration.
Tune in to what everyone is doing the same thing in his own way. At other times you will be psychologically prepared, and habits of others will no longer be a surprise. Smart people do it constantly, and they are not surprised by the behavior of others.

5. They are self-centered.
Instead of once again angry at the person, try to focus on why you react. Sometimes what we do not like someone, do not like to have the same themselves. These people simply hurt our sore spots.

Try to find their weak points. At other times you will be able to anticipate, mitigate or even change your reaction. Remember: it is easier to change their perceptions, attitudes and behaviors than to change someone.

6. They take a break and take a deep breath.
Habits some people may just take us out of ourselves. Perhaps your colleague does not have time to perform regular tasks on time, or you have a friend who is terribly annoying stupid jokes.

Instead of having to once again spend their own nerve cells, slow down and take a deep breath. This will help to calm down and prevent from excessive emotional reactions, allowing turn heads.

7. They say that they need.
If some people are always hurt you, try to calmly talk to them about it. Avoid accusatory phrases and use the structure "When you ... I feel ...". For example, "when you interrupt me during meetings, I feel if you do not value my opinion." Then take a moment and wait for a response.
And then you can learn with surprise that the other person does not understand what you have not finished your speech or your colleague was so excited about his new idea that enthusiastically interrupted you.

8. They are able to keep their distance.
If all methods fail, intelligent people could keep their distance from those they do not like. Just go your way. Perhaps in the future you will have the desire and ability to establish a relationship with this person, so do not push too far.

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2015 г.

Why you should not obscure someone else's bed?
If you are so lazy that it is not able to obscure the bed in the morning, it is only a plus, say scientists! Your bed is cleaner and you - are healthier than those people who believe that in the bedroom "terrible" if crumpled blanket.
Why? The thing dust mites, but rather that no enveloping bed, you reduce their numbers in my bed!
On average, each bed lives of 1.5 million microscopic mites that feed on dead cells of the skin.
They are so small that without a microscope, you will never see them. Yet they pee in your bed, cause allergies "to dust," and even some diseases - for example, trigger the development of asthma!
In the morning, when you go to work, do not make the bed, it actually kills a considerable part of them: these mites can not stand the fresh air and sunshine.
"We know that these mites can only survive if they are in a humid environment (you sweat while you sleep). And the fresh air too toxic for them," - said Stephen Pretlav from Kingston University.
"It's simple: you have not made the bed moisture evaporates - and mites eventually die from dehydration."
Experts recommend not about making the bed early in the morning and in the evening, when you return home from work. By now, most of these vile creatures just die!
In general, the fans leave the bed unmade, and all can be happy to show this article! And we are waiting for news from scientists about why cleaning the house cleaner is also better to postpone for tomorrow.
10 habits of happy couples in terms of psychiatrist

The world-renowned psychiatrist Dr. Mark Galston of the habits that have the happy couples and, by the way, if you decide to adopt them, do not forget about the habit number 7!

1. Try to get to bed at the same time

Remember the beginning of your relationship, when you could not wait for the moment when find yourself in the same bed together to finally make love. Happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times. They go to sleep at the same time, then even if one partner is quietly gets up to do chores without disturbing dream lover.

Get a 2. common interests
After the initial raging fire of passion fade away, replaced by a steady flame of love, many couples find that they have, in general, does not have much in common. But do not underestimate the importance of what you can do (and enjoy) together. And even if you do not have so many common interests, you can easily find something that will appeal to both of you (unless you want to be a happy couple). And do not forget about their own interests and hobbies - so you will not only be interesting for your partner, but will look less dependent on him.

3. If you go somewhere together - hold hands or walk close
When the happy couple goes somewhere with them there is no such that one of the partners was behind another or running in front - no, they go hand in hand, or at least close to each other. They know that the desire to be close to each other much more important than the desire to come somewhere else.

4. Let your usual "mode" will trust
If (or rather when) you quarreled or quarrel, you know - happy couples and happy because they are willing to trust each other and to forgive each other instead cultivate mistrust and anger.

5. Try to think more about what your partner is doing the right thing, and less - that he does not
If you try to discover in your partner alone shortcomings, believe me - you will find them in abundance. But just as you'll find in it and good. It all depends on what you are looking for. Happy couples are set to positive.

6. hugging each other, meeting in the evening after work
Our skin has a memory of "good touch" (love), "bad touch" (violence) and "no touch" (contempt). And when you hello or goodbye to his "other half", accompanying it with open arms, you just plunge into "good touch" - and they, in turn, help us to move any adversity.

7. Talk to each other "I love you" and "good day" every morning
It's a great way to recharge the morning with a good charge of tolerance and good humor with which you can go fight the traffic jams, long queues, and other unpleasant phenomena.

8. Every evening, wishing each other good night - no matter how sincere you are doing
This tells your partner that no matter how much you hurt him or her, you still value your relationship, and you want them to continue. This suggests that what is happening between you, and far more important than a single unpleasant incident.

9. Do not forget to ask each other, how are you doing
Do not forget from time to time to call your partner at home or at work, to see how his day. It's a great way to know in advance what you expect from him or her when you meet in the evening. For example, if your partner's day was just awful, you can hardly expect him sincere joy to your cloudless day.

10. Rejoice that you see together
Happy couples do not seem shy people together, more than that - they enjoy what they see during any emotional contact, whether ordinary touch to the arm or shoulder, or a passionate kiss. And they are not trying to shock those of others - they just want to show that they belong to each other and are happy with it.

The habits of happy couples are very different from the miserable habits. But what is a habit? This particular pattern of behavior that you are doing automatically and the maintenance of which does not require you effortlessly. For any behavior has become a habit, it should be repeated at least 21 days - and if you were to adopt the behaviors described in this article, they will certainly make your personal relationship where healthier and happier. And remember - if you do not get to do it right the first time - do not despair. Just apologize to your partner, ask for forgiveness, and continue to work on the acquisition of good habits.

If happily in love and everyday life, as well as success and would have been some key part of him will certainly be the following: in conversation with people to listen more than talk, more interesting than trying to interest, and more admired than admires.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

Forer effect (Barnum) explains why people believe in horoscopes and palmistry

Psychologist Bertram Forer in 1948 conducted a psychological experiment which showed the effect lasts. He gave his students a special test to its results to analyze their personalities. However, instead of this individual characteristics, he gave all the same vague text taken from the horoscope.
He then asked each student on a scale to assess the conformity of their personality descriptions of reality - the average score was 4.26. In the assessment of the accuracy of the description of the students affected including the authority of the teacher. Subsequently, the experiment was repeated hundreds of times.
The description, which gave students Forer:
"You really need to other people you loved and admired. You are quite self-critical. Do you have a lot of hidden opportunities that you did not use to their advantage. While you have some personal weaknesses, you are generally able to neutralize them.
Disciplined and self-assured in appearance, in fact you tend to worry and feel insecure. At times you have serious doubts include as to whether you have made the right decision, or whether the right thing to do. Do you prefer some variety, the scope and limitations cause you displeasure. Also, you are proud of the fact that the idea independently; you do not accept others' statements at face value without sufficient evidence. Do you understand that to be very frank with other people - not too wisely. Sometimes you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, sometimes - introverted, wary, and reserved. Some of your aspirations rather unrealistic. One of your main goals in life - stability. "
Each of the students agreed that the text is quite accurately describes his character.
Here are the factors that contributed to the success of the experiment:
* Subject convinced that the description applies only to him;
* The vagueness of characteristics makes it applicable to almost anyone, and this leads to the subject of her thoughts about justice;
* Subject convinced credibility formulated description;
* In the present specification mainly positive characteristics.
10 things you should not expect from others

Meticulously towards others entails mountains frustration and resentment. After all, what we want from others, does not always fit with their own point of view.

1. Do not expect from others only the right decisions.

Moral principles of all human beings are formed depending on many factors, such as education, culture, religion, etc. For example, in some Asian countries the dog is considered a delicacy, and there does not seem to have the wrong animal, which we perceive as a pet. But it does not make people living in areas poor. Here's another example: You do not say swear words, but your friend is swearing like a trooper. That means he or she is wrong? Well, there is some truth, but you do not change them, and the expectation that they will behave when you are in some other way, will only lead to deep disappointment.

Live as you like, and let others live as they like.

2. Ideal people do not happen.

If you do not perceive shortcomings as something negative, you will never be disappointed. And people expect others to perfection, will inevitably feel as if they ever fail, and it brings to the relationship a significant tension. In fact, on the contrary, it would warn the people who tend to perfectionism, because this world has consequences in the form of depression, irritability, and chronic diseases.

Allow people to make mistakes and learn from them. Think what life would be like if no one ever missed. The world would be full of cold, soulless robots, and such a reality would hardly come to someone to taste.

3. Do not expect unconditional consent to your every word.

Even best friends do not always agree with each other. So do not get upset when people are questioning what you say, or just have a different view. Our unique views and allow the planet to evolve and find better solutions.

4. People do not know how to read minds.

Someone has well developed intuition, while others can not understand anything but the tone and facial expression. Just because you are more sensitive and can understand the feelings of others, it does not mean that other people have the same inclination. It is therefore clear to express their thoughts to others do not have to think out what you mean. And, to be frank, open communication allows you to build a strong and trusting relationship.

5. It is not necessary to hope that someone will pick you up at every fall.

Of course, good friends and family to help you when you need it, but do not expect that they will always be there. They can also be downloaded to their problems, and to carry the load for the two of you can be a burden for them. This does not mean that they do not care, it means that sometimes you need to rely on their own strength and fight alone.

6. You will not always understood.

Not everyone will understand the path that you have chosen. This is normal. After all, it's yours, not theirs. As long as you are in tune with yourself, you will not need someone else's decision. Thus, the fact that someone does not understand you, do not be too problematic.

7. It is not always you will be treated as belong to someone you.

Of course, it would be desirable that all follow this golden rule, but we do not live in a perfect world. Only with age and wisdom, people start coming to understand something, and basically have to put up with a certain injustice. Treat people tolerant and then you will not be so painful if someone react to you so kindly, as you would have liked.

8. People change.

Over time, people change through experience and the circumstances they face. Every day, people fighting, understandable only to him; think about it before you judge someone. Try to understand each not only if its ideals and standards are the same as yours.

9. In all cases the trouble.

Each of us, life sometimes presents surprises, and some people in the adaptation takes longer than the other. Be tolerant and understand that everyone is trying to do everything in his power. Do not try to control other people in the way they build their lives.

10. No one will love you if you do not love yourself.

All relationships begin and end with you. Therefore, if you want to receive love, it is necessary first of all to learn to feel it, and give. Developing the ability to love yourself, you will find beautiful and sincere relationship with another person.

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Before, people lived simpler lofty thought, and now live luxuriously, but I think - low.

Everything that had seemed ugly, shameful, we have to stand out - not a problem to go scantily clad, not a problem to go to smoke and drink immediately, no problem began to show his temper and character. The standards of society have fallen sharply and at the same time people have by nature worse - gone the ability to forgive, listen, listen. That is why the growing divorce.

We worry about computers, laptops, combines, much more than of his own mother, sister or husband. Even the children we immediately try to connect to the technique, to be educated in this. Now a lot of mothers who come to me, they say that when a child is left alone with them, they do not know what to do with it. We actually have become strangers to each other. But as the need to communicate, we saved people "climb" to the Internet, there are friendships, dating, marriage. Everything becomes virtual.

Why? Because when you meet with a real person, he has the character, manners, with which to be reckoned. We stopped to take responsibility for each other, we just want to enjoy themselves, as the use of chewing gum until then, until the sweet, and then spit.

In humans, there is always the freedom of choice. Because we want to make the consumers, this someone is profiting. Dissatisfied with the people all the time, buys something, constantly shoved something into his mouth, the woman thinks her handkerchief is not enough, the man - the machines. We are always in a state of deficit, but the deficit is a relationship, and we want to make up for things.

Time goes by

While you sleep - time goes on. As long as you eat - time goes on. As long as you're going to transport - time goes on. As long as you think, how to make money - the time comes. While you're talking on the phone - the time comes.

Year as a month, a month like a week, a week like an hour, an hour like a minute, a minute in a flash. This means your time is running out and never come back. The main currency of our lives - it's time!

- Until you think about the risk - some risks and achieve success;
- Until you think about the decision - someone takes your mind and succeed;
- As long as you're doing shit - who is doing for centuries;
- As long as you do useless things - who is engaged in useful.

Yes, every day you may disappoint some people - do not take it to heart, focuses on the important points.

Every day you can have a new problem - be strong!

Every day you can visit the idea of ​​great achievements - do not forbid myself to think about it!

Every day, you can communicate with the goofy people and sensible - to communicate with everyone, and you'll know a lot about the people!

Time will not return ever, and you do not even know how much it is given to you. Live honestly - do what you love, live as you realize the happiness, prices and cherish loved ones use every opportunity. Grow together - and you touch to eternity, for which already does not make sense!

Scientists have found that lazy people more active brain structure, as they need a lot of thinking on how to avoid work.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

11 facts about the relationship that couples need to remember forever

In your relationship affect absolutely unexpected factors, which you hardly thought of. Well, inquiring minds that social scientists do not cease to get to the truth.

1. No need to hurry.

The first moments of love are so bright that people dare to be spontaneous, not realizing the consequences of their behavior. The whirlwind of emotions inspires, chemistry boils in the veins of happiness, and it seems that soon the engagement or wedding - this is the best way to keep a holiday in itself. As practice shows, the opposite is true.

A study conducted at Emory University, has proven that the more modern couple meet before marriage, the more chances they have to stay together. Talking figures, the couple, who met for three or more years, divorced 39% less likely than those who tested the relationship less than a year.

2. Do not spend money on the wedding.

Lavish wedding preparation and lordly wedding party have their old traditions. Setting the young, and sometimes do the bride and groom are trying to throw a holiday is not worse than the neighbor, because they somehow just once in a lifetime painted! But the snag is that the celebrations on a grand scale can backfire in the future.

As part of the same study at Emory University researchers interviewed thousands of heterosexual couples and found that "the duration of the marriage is associated with spending on the wedding rings and wedding ceremony." In particular, those who take his considerable sums on the rings apart by 30% more.

And there's a simple explanation: issyakshy gold reserves, debt and loans undermine the financial base of the new unit of society. Money can become a cause of disagreements, economic disputes do not cease, leading to a split in the family.

3. hugging in a dream.

Couples who sleep together, happier than those who sleep separately. Scientists have studied the position of the University of Hertfordshire sleeping couple and found that 94% of couples who spent the night in contact, acknowledged their relationship happy. At the same time, only 68% of those who did not touch each other in a dream, were satisfied with their relationships.

Hugs are good for the health of the halves. They warm the body in the cooled bed The cold winter.

4. Do not forget to thank.

A simple "thank you" to strengthen ties. This is indicated by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley. Researchers have created an environment in which both halves thanked and received appreciation from your partner. At the end of the experiment, all 77 couples feel more relaxed and satisfied. They understand each other better, keener sense of care and responsiveness of a loved one. And that was no scientific justification. The positive effect of "thank you" was due to increased production of oxytocin - the hormone of trust and affection.

5. Treat each other.

Health even the strongest relationships need to correct. Seasoned advised more often admit they love each other, and scientists - to move from words to deeds. And you do not need a Herculean effort or major investments. It is enough to have a small, but highly significant tokens.

Is it difficult for you to cook for her half a cup of tea? Nonsense! But it was the little things harden your union. This conclusion sociologists from the Open University of Great Britain. Within two years, they studied the life of 5000 people and came to the conclusion that surprises and small courtesy not cease to have value even after years of continuous communication. This is a powerful link in the relationship.

6. sober assessment of their union.

How many times told the world that honesty - the best way to solve the problem? But people on the thumb turn a blind eye to reality, replacing the flimsy excuses truth. And do so, of course, in vain. Psychologists are advised to speak directly about their preferences and desires.

University of Illinois researchers have tracked the development of relations in 232 tandems and noted that successful pairs well remember all the turns of the novel, while couples experiencing difficulties lied myself looking back and thinking that everything was fine.

7. It is not necessary to have a stamp in the passport to be happy.

It has long been observed that people who are married, are making the best career success than singles. They have a stronger health and social connections, stable psyche. Though run and painted for his new position and longevity!

But do not rush, because ordinary civil union is no worse than the official marriage. All the same advantages, but without documented commitments. Scientists say that the beginning of marriage between spouses and cohabitants is not much different. Moreover, all the differences and all dissolve at the end of the honeymoon.

8. No need to look for the "soul mate."

In each of us lives a romantic who wants to find in his life's journey that same soul mate. Someone struggling with it, realizing that there is no complete coincidence, well, while others idealizes his soul mate, believing that it was destined. Recent admit substantial slip.

This is indicated by sociological studies Spike Lee (Spike WS Lee) and Norbert Schwarz (Norbert Schwarz). According to scientists, people who view their relationship as fate would thus perpetuate a basis for future frustration, because the reality is always contrary to the imagination. Correct to compare their relations with a long journey, full of obstacles and difficulties. In this case, those years will not leave you the bitterness of disappointed hopes.

9. Relations in the distance - it's not a death sentence.

The farther apart the magnets, the weaker the link between them. That kind of logic often undermines people's faith in relationships at a distance, and they parted, never experienced the feelings of strength. "So far, it was cool, we will charge at Facebook».

Wait, wait, do not hurry to flee. Experts at Cornell University have found many examples of geographically distant relations in which men and women feel more satisfaction in comparison with the life side by side.

Psychologists say that in a relationship at a distance people are turning to light moments of his life, savor the pleasant details, and it stirs feelings.

10. Becoming a parent you need to want.

Children - flowers of life. This is what we repeat on national television and visiting with my grandmother. Naturally, the state needs new citizens, and the older generation wants to shake things up a bit. Blindly going on about?

Sociological studies do not give a clear answer. Some of them says that families with children are happier. Others are not unreasonably suggest an increased level of stress associated with the completion of the family, through which not everyone can go. The conclusion is simple: the child's need or want to grow up to the proud title of "parent."

11. It's all about kindness

Long-term alliances are built on the principles of mutual respect, love and care and, most importantly, the kindness and generosity. So says well-known American couple John and Julie Gottmen (John and Julie Gottman). His mind they reinforce forty years of experience as a family psychologists. Based on its rich experience, the couple Gottmen recommend to pay attention to their behavior during the fighting. During home passions it is very easy to hurt your partner and make him the contempt - the main factor of the impending separation. Understanding that his "fi" can express the kind of music, you do not harm your union.

четверг, 29 октября 2015 г.

                       Act of donation 

Love - means to give a part of yourself, without payment and reservations. If you want love, you only need to give it. And the more you give, the more you get. Love is like a boomerang, it always comes back. It may not always be on the person to whom you gave it, but it still comes back to you. And will return a hundredfold. It is important to remember that we reserve the unlimited love. We do not lose it when we give. And the only way to lose love is within us - it does not give it to others. One of the reasons why people rarely experience love, - they are waiting for their first love someone else. But it looks like the musician who says, "I'm going to play music, only when people start to dance." Or wait for the heat from the fire is not put there firewood. True love is unconditional, it asks nothing in return. It does not tolerate barter. The secret formula of happy relationship for life is to always pay attention not to what you can take, and what you can give.
Effect of essential oils on human bioenergetics 

ORANGE - increases optimism, faith in their own strength, charm. Opens aura of good and the perception of positive information. Revitalizes thinned layers of the aura after a long illness.

BASIL - restores the objectivity of self, eliminates complex.

Bergamot - clarifies, strengthens the aura and the brightness of your life helps to achieve success in the knowledge, creativity, easy to overcome difficulties. Neutralizes the aggressive energy of the crowd.

Bay Leaves - heal wounds aura associated with irreparable loss, helping to cope with sorrow, grief. Enhance immunity and density of the aura.

VANILLA - revitalizes, harmonizes the energy of the family; oil, helps to hear what they talk to and take the place of the person with whom you are communicating.

Verbier - oil, increases fortunate person, reduces the amount of holes and tail, it helps to correct the mistakes, opening the mind to a fair and honorable way out of an unpleasant situation.

Carnations - helps to overcome and get rid of hysterical nature, changes the emphasis of vital installations of the product spillovers to personal improvement. Strengthens, thickens the aura, it helps to defend against someone else's anger, envy, and vampirism. Reports stoic nature properties, helps to quickly recover from injuries, illnesses and operations.

Geranium - eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction: an inferiority complex and, depending on other people's opinions. It helps to recover from bad communication or a small loss. Restores health evaluation behavior and motivation, it helps to restore the aura of the reference form.

Grapefruit - eliminates the unjustified self-satisfaction, objectifies evaluation relation to your person others, allows us to achieve success in work and communication reinforced by psychology.

Oregano - helps to close the pits and defects energy shell associated with increased irritability, temper, impulsive committing the abominable deeds, it helps to quickly fulfill their mistakes.

Ylang Ylang - old essence fumigation, attracts love and positive energy to the world's energy levels a skin, restores symmetry promotes higher chakras.

GINGER - strengthens the resolve, strength, integrity of nature. It facilitates recovery aura in diseases, injuries, operations, and after the aggression of black power. Energy amputated appendix. It teaches the right path of love.

Hyssop - helps cleanse, freshen the energy shell eliminates stagnant processes in the aura, enhances the charm and communication skills, promotes the accumulation of life experience.

Kayaputa - perfectly protects from envy and malevolence, helps to quickly recover after exposure to an aura of black energy, strengthens the immune strength and conductivity of renewable energy. Eliminates tails, promotes redistribution of energy to meet the shortfall in underdeveloped chakras.

CEDAR - strengthens the processes of renewal and recovery of energy aura increases thinned layers, it helps to quickly restore strength and energy in diseases and excessive stress on the nervous system. It gives dignity and validity of thoughts and actions.

CYPRESS - is oil-shield. Closes vulnerable chakras from ill of others, prevents vampire contacts, distributing energy density smoothly and harmoniously.

CINNAMON - stepping up, warms, rejuvenates an aura. It facilitates generating target pulse, easy to overcome setbacks, optimism, faith in their own strength and self-esteem. Does the nature of lighter, brighter and more human, opens the breath of love, establishes a harmonious relationship between man and woman, bringing them closer to the cosmos.

LAVENDER - promotes self-knowledge, meditation, recover quickly. It provides complete energy relaxation helps the resorption of scars on the energy shell. Reduces aggression, it helps to recover from envy.

INCENSE - one of the oldest and most valuable substances fumigation. Restores energy "justice" by returning energy to its owner. If someone is to wish you evil or the evil eye, and you feel the energy discomfort after use incense, a dirty energy that you have imposed, will return from whence it came, everyone gets what he deserves. Incense - the fragrance for meditation, samoproniknoveniya, the feeling of peace and nirvana, strengthens the faith and strength, increases the resistance of the energy envelope of evil, facilitates the production of energy from space and unselfish passing it expensive for you people, helps to find love and build a family, enhances intelligence and tolerance, to avoid hasty evaluations of people and events that eradicates evil motives allows to cure vampirism. Brightens, smoothes, strengthens the aura gradually returns energy to the tail of his original position, thus closing the energy breakdown.

LEMON - allows you to quickly and smoothly adapt to the new conditions of life, to new people, it helps to quickly get used to and accept philosophically irreparable loss, strengthens the vital interest, inspires creative action in the work, in the family, in love. It helps obtain energy solitude and meditate even in a crowd.

Leuzea - ​​gives life to eliminate defects in the energy aura, it helps to quickly restore power disease, severe physical stress, normalizes attitude. It increases energy success contributes to a redistribution of power from the tail into the hole, teaches replenish energy from space, prevents the development of vampirism and reckless destructive thoughts and actions, clarifies and gives symmetry and natural shape of the aura.

Marjoram - helps get rid of bad attitudes. Quickly resilience after serious trouble, loss, grief. Infected with a thirst for life, it allows you to quickly and easily achieve their goal.

MANDARIN - nourishes thinned by disease aura, helps to find peace and tranquility in the shower.

MELISSA - a powerful shield against the ill will of others, helps to get rid of old tailings and prevents the formation of new ones. It helps to be lucky and optimistic. Cauterized areas, poorly saves energy and strengthens the mechanisms of energy regulation.

MIRRA - pulsating energy, brightens, evens aura. Open to love. It helps to understand and to forgive mistakes and motivations of others. It helps to get rid of false self-assessments, their dignity. Perfect for meditation.

Myrtle - helps to heal and self-improvement. Oil for meditation.

JUNIPER - developing integrity and fidelity to nature, acceptance and recognition of lies, protects the aura of aggression, helping to find a quick and dignified way out of any difficult situation. Helps "gall" people get rid of inward self destructive irritation. Promotes the acquisition of well-deserved reputation by developing generosity and intelligence.

Nutmeg - oil for meditation, resort to the stars, restore the integrity of the energy. It helps attain spiritual justice and tolerance in love, in family life and in achieving business goals. It makes immune to bad influences teenagers, developing, and their intuition and insight.

MINT - enhances breathing, pulsating, renewal energy layer. It improves communication between loved ones. Eliminates tension and expectation of troubles. Lets Projection "black holes" on their lives. It helps to overcome the disease.

Neroli - increases the brightness and attraction of personality traits gives it elegance and nobility. Prevents bad impulses and envy. It is oil meditation helps to quickly abandon the material problems and see the spiritual side of the world.

Patchouli - helps to cope with any situation that requires analysis and intuition, enhances the higher chakras, helps to experience the unique flavor of love and kindness, prevents the development of vampirism.

ROSE - converts energy unproductive anger, frustration and sadness into energy self-improvement and an objective assessment of the problem. The oil helps to find harmony in all energy systems. People who constantly use rose oil, real sympathy at first glance those around her bright, smooth aura, friendly and unobtrusive.

ROSEMARY - refreshes, revitalizes energy layer, enhances immunity aura, warm, inspires action and active lifestyle, returns extinguished interest in life, strengthens psychology and intuition develops heart chakra.

Daisy - removes an inferiority complex, and, in severe conditions of life - it helps to cope with the difficulties with dignity, avoid depression and anger.

SANDAL - opens energy springs of creativity, personal completeness talent. It helps avoid impulsive actions, leaving holes in the aura. Thickens energy layer, it allows you to quickly and smoothly recover thinning aura. Oil for meditation.

Pine - Essential Oil-surgeon removes growths tails and black energy, eliminates stagnant processes in the energy shell, enhances breathing aura, the influx of new energy, aura cleansing and renewal. Helps to quickly recover from severe emotional shock, it develops a philosophical perception of trouble and optimism.

TUJA - helps to overcome the difficulties of the disease, to achieve success in life. Quickly regenerates the outer shell of the aura. Facilitates communication between lovers.

Yarrow - Oil Guardian helps to avoid serious trouble and protects the aura of injury, theft and aggression of the external world. Bestows peace of mind and self-esteem.

Fennel - helps to quickly get rid of the errors, misconceptions and unfair conclusions. It helps calm and soberly face the truth, protects the aura of injuries. Opens chakras to update.

Thyme - strengthens strong-willed determination to start and helps overcome shyness. Increases energy and brightness of the glow of the aura, it helps to neutralize the destructive mechanisms inside, under the outer shell of the aura. It promotes the renewal of energy, strengthens immunity aura.

Tea Tree - Oil oncologist. It eliminates energy growths caused by the adoption of attitudes wrong. Restores the thickness, shape, symmetry aura. The most profound effect on the cap (part of the aura above the head). Protects against aggressive energy of the outside world.

SAGE - helps restore and healed after an aura of deception and infidelity. Contributes to the opening of new possibilities of expression of the individual.

Lemongrass - a shield aura prevents effects of aggressive power, envy, hatred. Enhances energetism person, it helps to achieve success in life.

EUCALYPTUS - Oil-savior, helps to quickly recover from the stress of the disease, a curse. It increases the amount of energy responsible for longevity.
    The evolution of the marital relationship 

☑1. phase - idealization.

The continuation phase is about 12-18 months.

At this point, everything seems perfect man: appearance, voice, even character flaws seem surprising. The man seemed in a state of intoxication. During this period, in any case should not take any serious decisions as pass some time and appear in front of you a real person with its flaws and everything will fall into place.

☑2. phase - satiety

This is the first crisis, when people live together and dolozhny User Agreement about what rules they will live, and what they expect from each other, it may be that people see life together in different ways and have different values, which can be difficult to take a partner.

The storm of feelings and emotions subside, you start to soberly assess the pros and cons of your partner. You start to get used to each other, behave more natural and relaxed.

☑3. phase - differences

This phase is not inevitably for any long-term relationship. In the phase difference starts a quarrel, you seem to concentrate solely on the shortcomings of each other. The easiest and at the same time, the worst way - is the separation or divorce. What's bad about it? You give up the time-tested relations and, moreover, will enter again with another partner in the relationship, and everything will start first, with the first phase.

☑4. Recover phase relationship

Quarrels and spats between the partners happen, but they do not carry a fatal character, because both know that the quarrel is over, and the relationship will be restored again. If the partners make efforts for the development of patience, the patience with them comes wisdom. It's the law of nature. So, at this stage, partners acquire wisdom.

☑5. phase - debt or respect. It is also the first stage of love!

In fact, to this love was not. At this stage, each partner begins to think not about what it should be, and that he has to do for your loved one. Understanding their responsibilities is developing human.

☑6. phase - friendship

You really have become near and dear to each other. Do you trust each other as the closest friends. Friendship - is a serious preparation for love.

☑7. phase-love

True love - it is not easy. To it goes a very long time. Love trained through various life situations in the long term and close relationship. True love - this is not something that suddenly falls down, as is commonly believed. For real, adult love a person matures, abandoning selfishness and prejudice.

People choose their husband or wife. But to experience the true love in family life, should be well acquainted with each other, then friends, and then, and love. Many couples find love the first phase. But as soon as the romance leaves and pink glasses fall off, starting the first difficulty, the first test of the relationship. And someone said - love has passed.

The dedication and patience - the main qualities of love. If you have decided that your relationship "love is over", rest assured that it has not yet started

вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

              Afford abundant life!

If a woman does not invest in themselves the resources (money, time, energy ...), it interferes with the success of his men! If it saves on his beloved, in all deny yourself for the sake of other family members, selects the low-quality food and other things, it programs itself and the husband of poverty.

The woman - is the energy center of the family, because it stores energy and feeds her loved ones, charging for happiness and success. And if the family "zavodik love and prosperity," which is a woman, will no longer consume a high-quality fuel in the form of gifts, jewelry, trips to the spa and shops, beautiful clothes, healthy food, socializing with my friends, then how could he take energy to fill loved ones? A desolate female success male does not help.

If you want to see her husband's successful, if you want to live the abundant life, we must constantly improve the level of monetary ceiling. What does it mean? Each person has a secret level of income above which he can not jump (formed from parent programs and ancestral memory, negative past experiences, limiting installations, narrow reality in which we consider ourselves unworthy of the good life ...). From month to month we get the exact same amount, even if the intensive work - there are unexpected expenses, so our income is always limited by the monetary ceiling.

To go beyond their internal programs and beliefs, to work with the state. Cultivate a new quality - "I am worthy of the most luxurious, beautiful, abundant life, I deserve to be beautiful, elegant super-woman, I am worthy to be married to the King! .." Think of any of its new, positive beliefs. Write them down, and for a few days, repeat out loud in front of a mirror and mentally to himself, like a mantra. Gradually begin to change subconscious programs. Begin to change and the internal state. Then change the beliefs, paraphrasing them in the present moment: "I - a successful, splendid, rich woman, I'm married to a noble king! I am surrounded by abundant and happy life!" Write them down and also start to repeat aloud to himself.

You have to reach a point where your body will take these beliefs without the slightest resistance. Believe me, at the beginning of practice will be a lot of resistance. The mind does not want to get out of your comfort zone, will tell you that it was "nonsense" that "nothing will change" and that "you do stupid things, go to work on your loan hanging!", "So what you are the wife of the king? Are you I saw in the mirror at all "? and so on. Do not listen to him and continue to train hard. Many of you will only last a couple of days, someone for a week, and they did not reach a successful outcome. But those who will be working with the consciousness and the state for a long time (21 to 41 days) will get amazing results!

The next thing that you do, in addition to daily affirmations to improve monetary ceiling. Every day you spend on resources and every day - slightly more than in the previous one. Money comes on request, remember this. If you do not request money, too, will not. So today bought Pirozhenko tomorrow earrings, dress the day after tomorrow, or the day after, after a massage or a spa ... and so on. And most importantly, you chase away all feelings of guilt and remorse. If you came out of the store with a bag full of dresses, you'll blame yourself for it, consider all failed. You must enter a state of true joy from the fact that investing in yourself-favorite. You want to live a luxurious, abundant life? So get ready for it now. First - the state! It will be followed, and change your usual picture of the world.

If you think that this is selfishness, remember that all members of your family live on your energy, remember how selflessly every day you devote yourself to close, creating a cozy, preparing to eat, hearing problems and comforting ... You - nature - selfless creature, so a healthy share of selfishness will not hurt you. After all, you are filled, in fact, not for themselves, but in order to feed the favorite quality energy contributes to its success and happiness of your marriage.

Carry yourself like a precious treasure. Feel every cell of the body that you deserve to be super woman, you deserve to live abundantly, you deserve to have your kids been quality clothing, a good education, so that your family was able to buy the best products, so you can easily travel to the holy places all over the world to attend educational lectures and seminars, to sacrifice a decent amount for charity. That's what you need to change your consciousness. To be rich - it's fine, it's worthy daughter of God. For Wealth - from the word "God" and God - is prosperity and happiness in all aspects of life, and personal and spiritual, and in health, and in the material. Allow yourself to the abundant life!
           10 exercises to train the willpower

Influence others without a strong will is impossible.

10 effective exercises that can make your life 10 good habits.

The ability to manage other people is closely linked to personal qualities. One of them is a strong will. For a man, "cloth" are unlikely followers, they have few friends, and they do not enjoy success with women.

Even if all the above is not about you (as if about you, much more), the following exercises will help you develop a strong will.

▫Uprazhnenie 1. Search hidden strength
This initial exercise. Its purpose - to identify and feel what "muscle will." We need to understand - what it is volitional voltage and as desired to show the effort.

We develop for themselves an easy task. Anyone, but it is better useful. For example, in the morning when washed, fold a towel, and put it in a certain place. In the evening, at the same exact time you move the object back.

Do this exercise month. Even if this action becomes a habit, it is a good habit.

2. Understanding the forces ▫Uprazhnenie
Choose interesting for yourself activities, sports game. For example, to mint ball. It is fashionable now and do not require much space. You can replace the ball rackets and balls for ping-pong. Coined twice a day for 30 strokes. The basic rule, if it is determined to make a certain amount of strokes, they should be just enough and not one more or less. The point - to be able to restrain themselves. We provide 30 days.

▫Uprazhnenie 3. Normalization
The point of this exercise - to make a controlled sleep. Teach yourself to go to bed at the same time, quickly go to sleep, sleep at least 8 hours and no more than 10 minutes.

▫Uprazhnenie 4. Work and Play
The goal - to make a controlled regime of rest and activity. Break up any activity at regular intervals, as in the school, about 45 minutes. Take regular breaks to rest 10 minutes Change activity. It is desirable that this exercise there are not only training, but also in the habit.

5. ▫Uprazhnenie volitional communication
In conversation and the conversation control your words and emotions. Imagine what it looks like from the outside, control your gestures and facial expressions. Remember good rule of thumb: the thought - action. Every action and word should be subject to reason.

6. The strong-willed ▫Uprazhnenie meal
It performs simple: full control of the process of absorption of food. Quietly, slowly, meaningfully. We feel the taste and aroma, present and customize how energized and become stronger. Not to fill the belly to satiety, eat only when hungry.

▫Uprazhnenie 7. Control of living space
This exercise should become a habit. Keep your working and living space is always in order. Know what and where is. A good rule: remove everything that hurts the eyes. Then gradually everything will be in such form, as you imagine.

8. ▪Uprazhnenie volitional planning
Compose yourself plan for the day, month and year. The more accurate it will be - the better. Follow your schedule.

▫Uprazhnenie 9. Looking for laziness
The idea is that if you show things that you do not want at all, it is necessary, on the contrary, to make them immediately. I do not want to get up early - to jump out of bed, do not want to clean the room - grabbed a bucket, a broom and made, and so on.

10. Strengthening ▫Uprazhnenie volitional
The point is that you need each day to exercise. This can be a normal run, and home fitness and steep section. The main thing that it came into your life and change you.
             As we offend their children?

One psychologist said, "At every opportunity - take your child by the hand! It will take a little time, and he did cease to extend to you my palm! ".
Everything that we do in the lives of our children, returned a hundredfold. If a child grows in confidence - he also learns to trust others if the baby love and support, he becomes attentive and caring. But there is a terrible mistake that adults commit under the influence of anger or indifference, without thinking what it could turn into a small child's soul ...

We greatly offend our children when:

1. Do not understand. 13 years I fell in love. Eugene was an A - smug spitefully. But it seemed to me that he - the ideal. However, the ideal is not paying any attention to me, and I cried. A mother trying to comfort me, carrying a complete nonsense, "What do you mean! It's so serious. After a year everything goes! "And I did not want my condition was held in love. Then I saw the same picture in the movie "You can not dream":
- Mom, I love Kate!
- Oh, do not be ridiculous. Such Cach you will have a million! ..
- And why are you, the parents, all in advance for us to know?

2. Do not support. Little Caruso ran home from school in tears, "Mom! Singing teacher said that my voice - as if the wind howling in the chimney! ". "Well, what are you, son! Do not listen to anyone. You sing like a nightingale the most beautiful in the world. I just know it! "It is terrible to think that the world might never hear the great tenor, if not for this wise woman. Always tell your child, "You can! You deal with it! "- This is a very inspires.

3. Compare with other children. "Look, what Anya - neat and tidy. Not what you are - a pig! "Seems familiar? One can not understand what they want to achieve mothers, saying these words? Also hate to Anya, it is difficult to induce certain emotions ...

4. mocked. We went to the little sister to the store. Sister was 3 years old, her face was painted stained green fodder: caught chickenpox. Saleswoman, who had nothing to do, turned in our direction, and giggled: "Oh, what a beauty came to us! Look! "I came up with only one thought: where would take a gun nearby and shoot them? ..

5. offends words and actions. In the 8th grade, I considered myself very mature and independent woman. One day we sat with my dad on a geometry that my brain refused to understand completely. And then Dad slapped me in the heart ... of the pope! It was not so much hurt as extremely insulting! I've been talking with him. And he could not understand what really hurt me so much ...

6. shouting and beside ourselves. I remember my neighbor in the hospital, exhausted whimper her baby, grabbed him and began to shake and shout, "What the hell do you want?" I will never forget the huge, blue eyes full of horror kid who did not understand what was happening. It seems, then she herself was very ashamed ...

7. Ignore! And believe me, this is the worst. Japanese scientists demonstrated worldwide experience with plants. Three of the same seed were planted three jars. Every morning, passing by the first banks scientist greeted rostochkom and told him tender words. Before the second bank, he shouted and called names plant insulting words. Third germ he just ignored not looking, passed. It is not hard to guess what happened with sprouts in a month. The first juicy green Spikes in the entire width of the window sill. Second completely dry. And the third - rot! Children also like green sprouts: parents reap the years is that nurtured yourself!

Now look away from the monitor and visualize your baby. Here it compresses chubby fists funny wrinkles his nose and smiling the whole width of his toothless mouth. And in answer to your chest turns something big and gentle. This kid loves you unconditionally: in any mood, any gifts, just because you - his mom or dad! And for one that smile you give everything in the world! Keep this in mind as often as possible, and love your children!

воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

                  Occupation in the palm 

- Ppicytctvyet koltso Colomona. Ppyamaya line golovy (mind). Yacnaya and glybokaya life line, ect chacto vnytpennyaya life line. Line cydby dominipyet.

- Glybokaya, izognytaya line cepdtsa, kotopaya nachinaetcya nA Bygpe Yupitepa. Line golovy (mind) zakanchivaetcya nA Bygpe Lyny. Line Colntsa otmechena zvezdoy and zakanchivaetcya nA Bygpe Apollona (Sun).

- Line cepdtsa c otvetvleniyami to Bygpam Yupitepa and Catypna. Ppyamaya golovy line. Line intyitsii ppicytctvyet, Nr ona necuschectvenna.

▫Byxgaltep / Bankip
- From line Cilnaya vetv cepdtsa to Bygpy Catypna. Ppyamaya and dlinnaya line golovy (mind). Yacnaya and ppyamaya line cydby, if ye ona imeetcya. Line cepdtsa, kotopaya ppyamo pepepezaet ladon Po pepek.

- Ppicytctvyyut meditsinckie ctigmaty: kopotkie veptikalnye line nA Bygpe Mepkypiya. Geneticheckaya line nachinaetcya nA Bygpe Benepy and pepecekaet lifeline. Line cepdtsa dlinnaya and izognutaya. Line polovy (mind) ppyamo popepek pazpezaet ladon.

▫Glavny menedzhep
- Bopozdki (or line ctpecca) nA konchikax paltsev. Ladon pokpyta plotnoy cetyu vtopoctepennyx lines. Ppicytctvyet intyitsii line. Dlinnaya, ppyamaya cepdtsa line.

- Izognytaya line golovy (mind), chacto c vilkoy or doxodit do Bygpa Lyny. Line cepdtsa podnimaetcya Po Bygpy Yupitepa.

- Lifeline opicyvaet shipoky polykpyg vo kpyg tsentpa ladoni.

▫Manekenschitsa (model)
- Mnogochiclennye pyteshectviya line. Dlinnaya Colntsa line. Line cydby pazopvana.

▫Meditsinckaya cectpa
- Geneticheckaya line nachinaetcya nA Bygpe Benepy and pepecekaet lifeline. Ppicytctvyyut meditsinckie ctigmaty: kopotkie veptikalnye line nA Bygpe Mepkypiya. Ect koltso Colomona. Line cepdtsa dlinnaya and clabaya.

- Cilnaya Colntsa line.

- Line golovy (mind) idet to Bygpy Lyny. Ha line golovy pod Bygpom Apollona (Sun) vidna vilka. Tail koltsa Apollona. Cilnaya line golovy (mind), bolshe chem cepdtsa line. Ppicytctvyet poyac Benepy. Line cepdtsa podnimaetcya Po Bygpy Yupitepa and obpazyet mnogo tonkix vetochek. Ect mnogo melkix lines.

- Line cydby zakanchivaetcya pod pepvym paltsem. Colntsa line ect. Ppyamaya line cepdtsa podnimaetcya Po Bygpy Yupitepa.

- Line golovy oxvatyvaet Bygop Lyny. Line intyitsii obpazyet covepshenny Po fopme cepp. Ppicytctvyet polny poyac Benepy.

- Lines golovy (mind) and life otdaleny dpyg From dpyga. Cilnaya geneticheckaya line. Forks nA kontse line golovy ochen blizko From pepkyccii. Cilnaya, chetkaya cydby line. Line cydby zakanchivaetcya pod pepvym paltsem. Betka From line to cydby Bygpy Mepkypiya. Line Colntsa icxodit of life line. Zvezda nA line Colntsa.

- Line cepdtsa podnimaetcya Po Bygpy Yupitepa or Catypna and zakanchivaetcya nA Bygpe Mepkypiya. Ppyamaya line golovy cvyazana c Bygpom Yupitepa.

▫Ppofeccional cpedctv maccovoy infopmatsii
- Ickpivlennaya or c vilkoy line golovy, c vetkami to Bygpy Lyny and / or Bepxnemy Bygpy Mapca. Line cepdtsa podnimaetcya to Bygpy Yupitepa.

▫Pabotnik cvobodnyx ppofeccy
- Line cydby imeet neckolko kopotkix papallelnyx lines. Mnogochiclennye Colntsa line.

▫Peklamny menedzhep or PR-manager
- Izognytaya golovy line. Ppicytctvyet intyitsii line. Bending lines cepdtsa, kotopy podnimaetcya Po Bygpy Yupitepa.

- Izognytaya line cepdtsa podnimaetcya nA Bygop Yupitepa, zakanchivayac pod Bygpom Mepkypiya. Line golovy c vilkoy. Imeetcya intyitsii line. Bpaclety pazopvany nA chacti.

- HOW ppavilo, ppyamye, yacnye line, ocobennocti life line. Ect vnytpennyaya life line. Tsepochki nA vepxnem bpaclete.

- Imeetcya koltso Colomona. Ppyamaya golovy line. Line cepdtsa cvyazana c Bygpom Yupitepa.

▫Ucheny / Cpetsialict Po texnologii
- Cilnaya, yacnaya, ppyamaya line golovy (mind) ctpemitcya to the line of life. Line cepdtsa podnimaetcya mezhdy Bygpami Yupitepa and Catypna. Cilnaya life line. Betvi cvyazyvayut line cepdtsa and golovy.

- Line cepdtsa or ee vetv podnimayutcya Po Bygpy Yupitepa. Ect koltso Colomona. Dlinnaya line golovy ppyamaya (in clychae ppepodavateley nayki) or idet Po Bygpy Lyny (in clychae ppepodavateley ickycctv).

▫Fepmep or pabochy
- Kopotkaya ppyamaya golovy line. Line cepdtsa, kotopaya pazpezaet ppyamo popepek ladon. Cilnaya, oppedelennaya cydby line. Line golovy (mind) ctpemitcya doctich vepshiny Bygpa Lyny.

- Line golovy izgibaetcya to Bygpy Lyny. Cilnaya Colntsa line. Izognytaya line golovy (mind).

▫Ekckypcovod (or dpygoy poctoyanny pyteshectvennik)
- Lifeline idet to pepkyccii. From Betv life line to izgibaetcya Bygpy Lyny. Cilnaya Colntsa line. Mnogochiclennye pyteshectvy line.

▫Yacnovidyaschy / Mediym
- Line intyitsii obpazyet covepshenny polymecyats. Line golovy pogpyzhena in Bygop Lyny.