вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

              Afford abundant life!

If a woman does not invest in themselves the resources (money, time, energy ...), it interferes with the success of his men! If it saves on his beloved, in all deny yourself for the sake of other family members, selects the low-quality food and other things, it programs itself and the husband of poverty.

The woman - is the energy center of the family, because it stores energy and feeds her loved ones, charging for happiness and success. And if the family "zavodik love and prosperity," which is a woman, will no longer consume a high-quality fuel in the form of gifts, jewelry, trips to the spa and shops, beautiful clothes, healthy food, socializing with my friends, then how could he take energy to fill loved ones? A desolate female success male does not help.

If you want to see her husband's successful, if you want to live the abundant life, we must constantly improve the level of monetary ceiling. What does it mean? Each person has a secret level of income above which he can not jump (formed from parent programs and ancestral memory, negative past experiences, limiting installations, narrow reality in which we consider ourselves unworthy of the good life ...). From month to month we get the exact same amount, even if the intensive work - there are unexpected expenses, so our income is always limited by the monetary ceiling.

To go beyond their internal programs and beliefs, to work with the state. Cultivate a new quality - "I am worthy of the most luxurious, beautiful, abundant life, I deserve to be beautiful, elegant super-woman, I am worthy to be married to the King! .." Think of any of its new, positive beliefs. Write them down, and for a few days, repeat out loud in front of a mirror and mentally to himself, like a mantra. Gradually begin to change subconscious programs. Begin to change and the internal state. Then change the beliefs, paraphrasing them in the present moment: "I - a successful, splendid, rich woman, I'm married to a noble king! I am surrounded by abundant and happy life!" Write them down and also start to repeat aloud to himself.

You have to reach a point where your body will take these beliefs without the slightest resistance. Believe me, at the beginning of practice will be a lot of resistance. The mind does not want to get out of your comfort zone, will tell you that it was "nonsense" that "nothing will change" and that "you do stupid things, go to work on your loan hanging!", "So what you are the wife of the king? Are you I saw in the mirror at all "? and so on. Do not listen to him and continue to train hard. Many of you will only last a couple of days, someone for a week, and they did not reach a successful outcome. But those who will be working with the consciousness and the state for a long time (21 to 41 days) will get amazing results!

The next thing that you do, in addition to daily affirmations to improve monetary ceiling. Every day you spend on resources and every day - slightly more than in the previous one. Money comes on request, remember this. If you do not request money, too, will not. So today bought Pirozhenko tomorrow earrings, dress the day after tomorrow, or the day after, after a massage or a spa ... and so on. And most importantly, you chase away all feelings of guilt and remorse. If you came out of the store with a bag full of dresses, you'll blame yourself for it, consider all failed. You must enter a state of true joy from the fact that investing in yourself-favorite. You want to live a luxurious, abundant life? So get ready for it now. First - the state! It will be followed, and change your usual picture of the world.

If you think that this is selfishness, remember that all members of your family live on your energy, remember how selflessly every day you devote yourself to close, creating a cozy, preparing to eat, hearing problems and comforting ... You - nature - selfless creature, so a healthy share of selfishness will not hurt you. After all, you are filled, in fact, not for themselves, but in order to feed the favorite quality energy contributes to its success and happiness of your marriage.

Carry yourself like a precious treasure. Feel every cell of the body that you deserve to be super woman, you deserve to live abundantly, you deserve to have your kids been quality clothing, a good education, so that your family was able to buy the best products, so you can easily travel to the holy places all over the world to attend educational lectures and seminars, to sacrifice a decent amount for charity. That's what you need to change your consciousness. To be rich - it's fine, it's worthy daughter of God. For Wealth - from the word "God" and God - is prosperity and happiness in all aspects of life, and personal and spiritual, and in health, and in the material. Allow yourself to the abundant life!

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