суббота, 3 октября 2015 г.

9 books that will save any of depression

We suggest to check out books from which you will forget about all the bad and immerse yourself in the reading head:

1. Strugatsky brothers - Monday begins on Saturday

The brilliant Russian fiction book became a bestseller for many years. Young programmer Alexander Privalov, traveling by rental car in Central Russia, and suddenly falling into a strange country town where confronted with a multitude of strange and bizarre things can not be explained in terms of science.

2. John Irving - The Cider House Rules

Roman classics of American literature by John Irving - a modern saga of the family living in this absurd and meaningless world, whose members are trying, in their own way, to find harmony and a balance between the eternal and the transient.

3. Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat

Incredible, witty, life-affirming story told by the brilliant English writer-humorist. The story of the journey of three gentlemen on the Thames is filled with interesting events, humorous collisions and comic situations of characters who always maintaining a sense of self-esteem.

4. Jenny Downham - As long as I'm alive

Sixteen-year-heroine of this book is just beginning to live, and it is so much I want to make it. So she wrote a list of all your desires and gets down to business. Not everything in it is so innocent, like her peers. But just because it is in many ways they do not like. And because she had to get it all now! "As long as I'm alive" - ​​honest, courageous and incredibly life-affirming novel.

5. Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

A motley company of free wanderers travels from star to star in search of joy, peace, and a cocktail 'Pangalaktichesky Gryzloder "- but unknown forces twice a day they impose a variety of high mission to save all living things from different villains and psychopaths. That with a sarcastic grin, then a melancholy smile Adams ponders the meaning of life, the universe and everything else.

6. Erlend Lu - is naive. Specials

Roman "is naive. Super" - his most famous book, written on behalf of the hero of thirty, experiencing "mid-life crisis" - has been translated into a dozen languages, and everywhere, including in Russia, greeted with enthusiasm. This charming and ironic, understated good thing akin to primitive, "naïve" painting - at first glance a simple and funny, Contemplate - smart and touching, and details, with a total apparent simplicity, are written accurately and skillfully.

7. Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat, Pray, love

By the age of thirty, Elizabeth Gilbert was all that may wish to modern, educated, ambitious woman - a husband, a country house, a successful career, but having gone through a divorce, depression, and another love failed, she realizes that all her previous notions of themselves were flawed .
To rediscover yourself, Elizabeth decided on a radical step: sell all that has parted with all those who loved him, and sent round the world trip. On a year. In complete loneliness...
Eat, Pray, Love - is a book about how to find joy where you do not expect, and how not to look for happiness where it is not. A-priory.

8. Fannie Flag, - Fried Green Tomatoes at the cafe "stop"

If you bring this volume to the ear, then surely you can hear someone laughing, crying, talking, the noise of the train, the rustle of leaves, the clink of forks and spoons. Listen to the sounds that make their way through the cover, and you will learn the story of a small American town, where, as elsewhere in the world, intertwined love and pain, fears and hopes, friendship and hatred. This story is told with such sincerity that will be remembered for years to come, and the Fannie Flagg novel will be one of the most beloved books.

9. Ray Bradbury - A Medicine for Melancholy

"When all is lost, hope remains," - says the hero of one of the stories of Ray Bradbury. These words could be the epigraph to the entire collection of "A Medicine for Melancholy", the pages of which there is always a place for a sad smile and a kind of miracles.

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