четверг, 15 октября 2015 г.

Fun facts about the human simplicity.

Tips that can make people feel or act in a certain way.

1. When the laughing group of people, each instinctively looks at someone who just nicer to him (or to whom he would like to be considered a close friend).

2. When you have to do something special responsibility and requires concentration, in short, what usually makes us nervous, it is worth trying to chew gum or eat anything. It is on a subconscious level is associated with a sense of security, because we usually eat when we are not threatened.

3. If we are angry with someone, and we at the same time manages to keep calm, then anger, probably will only worsen. Later, however, this man will be ashamed of their behavior.

4. If a person answers a question only partially, or too evasive, do not ask again. Better to just silently look into his eyes. He is likely to understand that the answer did not satisfy the interlocutor, and will continue to talk.

5. Facial expressions, it turns out, can not only be the result of feelings, but also cause these same feelings. Feedback works almost flawlessly, so wishing to feel happy to be smiling as often as possible and wider.

6. It is better not to use in speech or writing phrases such as "I think" or "I think." They themselves are understood, however, give the words a shade of uncertainty.

7. Before an important interview is useful to imagine what connects us with the interviewer a long close friendship. From ourselves almost always depends on how to interpret the situation, and our peace of mind and ease can be transmitted to the other party.

8. If we are able to bring myself to sincerely rejoice when meeting with someone at the next meeting of this man, and he will be happy to see us. (By the way, the dog is constantly doing a us this trick).

9. People tend to settle for less favor since denied us for more.

10. Many of the symptoms of stress coincide with manifestations of excitement (heavy breathing, heart palpitations, etc.). If you convince yourself that the situation is actually an incentive, rather than a threat, depression must change animation.

11. Many of us have ever attend the meeting, in a situation where there is reason to expect a sharp and unpleasant criticism from anyone. In such circumstances, it is best to sit down with this person. Practice shows - it will lose all its fervor and intent to attack, or at least it will be much softer.

12. Most people do not know a simple grandeur of confidence. If you learn all kind display confidence, people will be drawn to us.

13. Good advice for those working in the service sector: it is necessary to hang behind her mirror. People will behave in a much more correct, because nobody likes to see himself annoyed and angry.

14. It is a good habit - to notice the color of the human eye when meeting. He unconsciously feels sympathy due to our slightly elongated eye contact.

15. Going on a first date, it is not unreasonable to withdraw a partner in some fascinating place. Subsequently, the positive emotions from this meeting will be associated with us.

16. A lot of useful information can be extracted, paying attention to the position of the legs of the interlocutor. If, say, wear his shoes look to the opposite side from us, it usually means that a person wants to quickly end the conversation.

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