суббота, 17 октября 2015 г.

10 trickiest puzzles that are often asked in job interviews in large companies. And you can hit this! 

1. About the coffee lover
The restaurant is one of the visitors complained to the waiter, he had coffee floats fly. The waiter took a cup and promised to bring another. He returned a few moments later. Man tried coffee and said it was the same coffee, who got out of a fly.
Question: How did he know about this?

2. Pro fuse
It is known that the fuse burns unevenly, but burns in exactly one minute. Is it possible with the help of two cords to measure exactly 45 seconds? How? Please observe the safety precautions.

3. About the horse's legs
A meticulous researcher found that during the working day two legs of his horse passed 18 km, while the other two legs - 19 km. Could it be?

4. About Cyril in hospital
Cyril spent three days in hospital. He was not ill and injured, but during the discharge had to carry. Why is that?

5. About Eggs
You are holding two ordinary chicken eggs. One egg you keep still in his hand, and the other - with a sweep on the first hit. Kick occurs in the same part of each egg, for example, into the "acute" part.
Question: how to crack an egg, which was still, or something that hit?

6. About Ilya Muromets and Snake Gorynycha
In Snake Gorynycha 3 3 head and tail. In one stroke of the sword-Kladentsi Ilya Muromets can cut off one or two heads or one or two of the tail. If he cut off a tail, it will grow 2 new tail. If he cut off the tail 2, then grow a 1 head. If you cut off one head, it will grow a new head. Only in the event that two heads are cut off, nothing will grow. Snake dies only if it does not remain audio heads and no tail, and at this point it should grow no. Can Ilya win, if the sword-Kladentsi there is a charge just on nine hits?

7. Care
I've seen a lot of well-built women, but this struck me: her shoulders and chest, waist, and hips were thought to have worked with a chisel Pygmalion.
The driver sneered, saying that to some of your village a stone's throw, and you are asked in the cart.
And this cat sprawled on the couch, you know, sir; waiting to see when I bring a tribute to his grace - a small fish, so sour, so chicken.
He went down the stairs - very carefully to avoid creaking stairs, sneaking out of the house and went to the agreed meeting place.
The report from the Gali I took, but just did not read, and postponed until the evening.
Upon learning that his wife and daughter in the country, he immediately went to the station.
In these six proposals hidden six ..... What's hidden in this text?

8. Pro boots
Shoemaker made boots and said, apprentice to sell them for 25 rubles. By the apprentice market was approached by two people with disabilities (one is not left leg, the other - the right), and he sold it on his boot for 12.50 respectively. Returned to give money to the shoemaker and tells how successfully sold ... A shoemaker replied: "Well, what are you, people with disabilities had to make allowances. Hold 5 rubles Seek out and bring them at 2.50." A journeyman decided to give people with disabilities only on the ruble, and the remaining three rubles propyl. Found disabled and gave every ruble.
It turned out that people with disabilities were treated boots at 11.50. 11.50 + 11.50 = 23 and 3 rubles drunken. Total: 26 rubles, and was 25. Where once the ruble?

9. About shoeshine
In Turkey, many shoe cleaners offer their services to passers-by for free. However, those, if you decide to take advantage of their offer, do pay them money. Why is that?

10. About the rapid mobilization
Gallic priests found a trouble-free way rapid mobilization of soldiers in case of war. For this they sacrificed to only one person. What?

Answers to the puzzles:

1. About the coffee lover
He has already added sugar in the cup, which was a fly. Thus, having tried the coffee, he realized it was the same cup.

2. Pro fuse
One of the cords ignited on both ends and a second simultaneously - one end. The first line will burn in 30 seconds; at this time set fire to a second cable from the second end.

3. About the horse's legs
The horse went in a circle.

4. About Cyril in hospital
He has just been born in this hospital.

5. About Eggs
Eggs have the same chances to suffer! It does not matter how to move, and what was motionless.

6. About Ilya Muromets and Snake Gorynycha
Maybe. First it is necessary to cut off 3 times by one tail, then 3 times with two tails, and finally three times with two heads.

7. Care
Six names of countries.
I've seen a lot of well-built women, but this struck me: her shoulders and chest, waist, and hips were thought to have worked with a chisel Pygmalion.
The driver sneered, saying that to some of your village a stone's throw, and you are asked in the cart.
And this cat sprawled on the couch, you know, sir; waiting to see when I bring a tribute to his grace - a small fish, so sour, so chicken.
He went down the stairs - very carefully to avoid creaking stairs, sneaking out of the house and went to the agreed meeting place.
The report from the Gali I took, but just did not read, and postponed until the evening.
Upon learning that his wife and daughter in the country, he immediately went to the station.

8. Pro boots
3 BR, drunken apprentice, already included in the 23 rubles, paid for disabled boots. Therefore, they can not add, as is done in a task.
Shoemaker got boots for 25 rubles, and then ordered to pay 5 rubles disabled. So the shoemaker left 20 rubles. So, people with disabilities, to get back on the ruble, boots paid for 23 rubles, of which 20 rubles went to the shoemaker, and 3 rubles propyl journeyman. No "extra" money in the transaction arose.

9. About shoeshine
They clean free one shoe, and not to look like a fool in a polished shoes, a passer forced to pay for the cleaning of the second.

10. About the rapid mobilization
Those who came last.

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