суббота, 3 октября 2015 г.

30 things you need to do is to cease to

1. Stop spending time with the wrong people.
Life is too short to spend it with the people you squeeze out all the juice. If someone wants you to be present in his life, he will take care of your comfort. You do not have to fight for a place next to him. Do not cling to those who are permanently eliminates your value. And remember that the real friends - not those who support you when you are on a horse, and so, while those who remained there when your bad deeds.

2. Stop running away from their problems.
Meet them face to face. No, it will not be easy. In the world there is no creature capable perfect punch. We are not required to instantly solve all problems. We just arranged differently. The norm for us - to grieve, to feel pain, sadness, stumble and fall. This is the meaning of life - face challenges, learn, adapt and eventually solve them. This is what makes us human.

3. Stop lying to themselves.
You can do this with someone else, but not with them. Our lives can be improved only when we allow ourselves to take risks, and the first and most difficult risk to us - it is to be honest with ourselves.

4. Stop push their own needs on the back burner.
Terrible thing to lose yourself, investing too much in love to someone else and forget about self-worth. No, do not leave the others, but also and give yourself. If there is a good time to hear yourself and do what's really important to you, this moment has come.

5. Do not try to be someone else.
One of the biggest challenges in life - is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be more intelligent, and someone will always be younger, but they will never be you. Do not try to change yourself for others to enjoy. Be yourself, and those you really need, love you as you are.

6. Stop holding on to the past.
You can not start a new chapter of his life as long as you re-read the previous one.
7. Stop afraid of mistakes.
Doing something be wrong - at least ten times more effective than doing nothing. Each success bears traces of past failures, and each failure leads to success. Ultimately, you are much more you will be sorry for what you did not do, not what they had done.

8. Stop berating yourself for past mistakes.
We can not love the person, and to mourn their mistakes, but even if everything goes wrong, one thing is certain: errors help us to find the right people and the right thing. We all err, fighting and even mourn the mistakes of the past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your fight, you - here and now - have the opportunity to build up your day and your future. Whatever happens in your life, it prepares you for yet another step into the future.

9. Stop trying to buy happiness.
Much of what we want, is expensive. But the truth is that the things that really make us happy - love, laugh and work on their feelings - completely free of charge.

10. Stop looking for someone to be happy.
If you are unhappy with themselves, their personality, and the long-term relationship with someone does not make you happy. We need to create stability in his life, before sharing it with someone else.

10. Stop lounging.
Do not hesitate too long, otherwise you will create problems, even where they were not. Assess the situation - and act decisively. You can not change what refusing to fight. Any progress is fraught with risk. And it is important sequence. You can not read, did not learn of ratification.

11. Stop thinking that you are not ready.
Nobody ever feels ready to anything whatsoever to 100%. Most serious opportunities make us to go beyond our comfort zone, and then we'll really feel uncomfortable.
13. Stop being sucked into a relationship for the wrong reasons.
Relationships need to build wisely. Better to be alone than in bad company. No need to hurry with the choice. If something should happen, it will happen - at the right time with the right person, and on the best footing. Dive in love, when you are ready, not when you feel lonely.

14. Stop abandon new relationships just because the old did not exist.
In all, who would you meet, have their own goals. Someone will test you, someone - to use, and some will teach you. But most importantly, that some of them will reveal to you the best.

15. Stop competing with everyone.
Do not worry what others something you are successful. Concentrate on achieving their own daily records. Strive for success in the fight between you and himself.

16. Stop envying.
Envy - is the art of counting other people's blessings instead of their own. Ask yourself: "What do I have from what everyone wants?"

17. Stop complaining and feeling sorry for myself.
Life throws the dice to move you in some important direction. You may not see or understand everything that is happening, and it can be painful. But look at those bad scenario that fell to you in the past. You will find that they often lead you to success, an important man of the soul or situation. Smile back! Let everyone know that you are much stronger today than they were yesterday.

18. Stop aggravating resentment.
Do not live life with hatred in his heart. Ultimately you hurt yourself more than the people who hate. Forgiveness does not mean "I am satisfied with everything that you did to me." It says: "I will not let what you did to me, destroy my happiness forever." Forgiveness - the proposal to let go, to find peace and release yourself. And remember that you need to forgive not only others but also themselves. If necessary, forgive yourself and move on to try the next time do better.

19. Stop allowing others to relegate you to their level.
There is no need to lower the bar to meet those who refuse to raise it.

20. Stop spending time to explain.
Your friends do not need them, and the enemies will not believe you anyway. Just do as really feel right.

21. Stop the run around.
It's time to take a deep breath comes a time when you do not have time for this. As long as you keep doing what you do, you'll get what you get. Sometimes you need to distance themselves, to see everything in its true light.

22. Stop neglect trifles.
Enjoy nonsense because one day you may look back and discover that it's been great things. The best part of your life consists of a small nameless moments spent on it to give a smile to the person who is really important to you.

23. Stop trying to do everything perfectly.
The real world does not reward perfectionists and those who seek to achieve their goal.

24. Stop follow the path of least resistance.
Life is not so simple, especially if you plan to achieve something worthwhile. Do not choose the easy way. Do something extraordinary.

25. Stop pretending that everything is fine, if it does not.
It's okay if you relax for a while. You do not have to always be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. No need to worry about what others think - weep, if you need: Tears healthful. The sooner you do it, the faster will be able to smile.

26. Stop blaming others for their problems.
Achieving your dreams depends on how you take responsibility for your life. When you blame others for what happens to you, you give up responsibility and give another power over this aspect of your life.

27. Stop trying to be everything to everyone.
It is impossible, you just burn yourself. But if you give joy to one person, it can change the world. Did not the whole world, but the world - exactly. Therefore focus.

28. Stop too much to worry about.
Worry does not relieve us from tomorrow's challenges, it only saves us from today's joy. One way to check whether something is thinking - is to ask yourself the question: "Will this be important in a year? Three years? Five years? "If not, it is not worth worrying.

29. Stop focusing on the things that you do not want. Focus on what you really want. Positive thinking - one of the key moments of every great success. If you wake up every morning with the thought that in your life today, there will be something beautiful, sooner or later you will notice that they were right.

30. Stop being ungrateful.
No matter how good or bad your case, waking up every day give thanks for his life. Someone, somewhere, is now desperately fighting for her. Instead of thinking about their hardships, try to think about what you have and what others have lost.

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