четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Women's error in the beginning of a relationship that does not promise a happy continuation

1. betray themselves in favor of a man who does not accept you.
If men are not satisfied with your appearance, and he asks you to lose weight / get better, or do not like your hobbies, it's - not your man. To remake themselves for the sake of someone means to go against his nature that happy you did not do. Know that your man will adore all of your strengths and weaknesses, for him you will be the best, he would never dare to put to you some other girl as an example. And he will respect your interests, even if they will not understand. But he will give you permission to express yourself the way you see fit. And those men who do not accept you and do not understand - just not yours, do not change yourself to please them!

2. Allow intimacy.
This has already been written hundreds of volumes, but naive girl still think that sex can keep a man. "If I did not give him, he will go to another." Well, let him go! And thank God! Why do you need one of you who only need sex? Serious men need all the woman wholly, along with her personal qualities, the inner world, its ideas and aspirations. If he Inters only your body, I know it's not serious. And as soon as he gets his own, rest assured, it will fall off. Develop yourself as a person, to be able to not only be interested in a man body.

3. to impose, to try to clarify the relationship when the man moves away.
It is the nature of man - as soon as he approached the girl too close, and feels that fell in love with her, then disappears instantly. He leaves "in his cave," to look at the situation from the outside, look at that girl from the side and restore his manhood. The worst in this period - begin imposed a man trying to clarify the relationship, ringing, send messages about how you suffer, etc. This is only otobet his desire to return. You just need to understand the psychology of men, and if he goes - let him go. If you come back - well, continue your dialogue, and not - then it's just not your man.

4. Premature loyalty, care and serve as a husband.
This is typical of many women. Come up in my head beautiful scenario of your romantic story and believe in it. Because of its naivety and purity we take every man, with whom we meet as her husband. Men think quite differently. They are not so much attached to their mates, so to break off relations for them much easier. To avoid suffering, just do not get attached to the man who put the ring on her finger, and her husband did not. Keep all the tenderness and passion of only one man, for someone who wants a family with you, who will be a reliable and responsible person. Be friends with many men surrounded himself with numerous fans, it does not give you become attached to one and begin to treat him as a husband. Only those who deserve to be beautiful courtship and actions discourage you from all your competitors, and will receive a valuable prize - your love.

5. The idealization of the partner and excuse his behavior.
From love, at times, we strongly blows his head, and we cease to notice the obvious things. Girls between love very lenient to the shortcomings of men, naively believing that the man next to them will change. No, man - that form of life, which is hard to change. If during the period of courtship for you has not changed, then it will not happen, and after the wedding. Keep a list of qualities and traits a man with whom you are not willing to tolerate. And if you see their manifestation in whom any of the fans, it is a sign to you that this is not your man (if he proves otherwise and will not change). Also, do not try to justify male behavior and qualities of character difficult childhood, a difficult first marriage, heavy workload, etc. In the men's world, everything is simple, if he likes you - he will be manifested and aggressively pursue you, and if not, he quietly merge, and it's not a load, and that you're not much interested. See the truth.

6. Be serious.
Being overly serious and very seriously to begin a relationship - it is a mistake. It is not necessary to come to the second date in the veil to show the seriousness of their intentions to the man)). You will be much more attractive to men, if you fun and easy. In the early stages of a man can be very alienating excessive responsibility, so do not load his job. It you do not have a husband and did not have to. Be open and playful (but remember unreachable), this behavior is much more likely to charm a man.

7. Develop relationships male scenario.
Scenario men always simple and primitive (no offense to men, is simply their philosophy). If you want a long and beautiful courtship before marriage and after it, we must do the proposed rules of the game. Man voiced his desires if he inspired their performance - so he is seriously interested in you, and because relationships are the chances of success.

8. Complaints about the man.
Another mistake women, preventing the construction of close and trusting relationships are complaints about the male strangers, condemnation and discussion of its shortcomings. If you are into detail and talk to her friends or her mother (ie, the people who love you) about how bad you guy, they begin to protect you from him and dared. They can begin to think about your bad man, his dignity will fall in their eyes, they will cease to respect him. Once you make peace with him, but for your loved ones, he will remain a poor person is not worthy of respect, did not deserve to be with you. Therefore, no matter how difficult, always remember your relationship - it is only your relationship! Problems need to be able to decide for themselves.

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