четверг, 29 октября 2015 г.

Effect of essential oils on human bioenergetics 

ORANGE - increases optimism, faith in their own strength, charm. Opens aura of good and the perception of positive information. Revitalizes thinned layers of the aura after a long illness.

BASIL - restores the objectivity of self, eliminates complex.

Bergamot - clarifies, strengthens the aura and the brightness of your life helps to achieve success in the knowledge, creativity, easy to overcome difficulties. Neutralizes the aggressive energy of the crowd.

Bay Leaves - heal wounds aura associated with irreparable loss, helping to cope with sorrow, grief. Enhance immunity and density of the aura.

VANILLA - revitalizes, harmonizes the energy of the family; oil, helps to hear what they talk to and take the place of the person with whom you are communicating.

Verbier - oil, increases fortunate person, reduces the amount of holes and tail, it helps to correct the mistakes, opening the mind to a fair and honorable way out of an unpleasant situation.

Carnations - helps to overcome and get rid of hysterical nature, changes the emphasis of vital installations of the product spillovers to personal improvement. Strengthens, thickens the aura, it helps to defend against someone else's anger, envy, and vampirism. Reports stoic nature properties, helps to quickly recover from injuries, illnesses and operations.

Geranium - eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction: an inferiority complex and, depending on other people's opinions. It helps to recover from bad communication or a small loss. Restores health evaluation behavior and motivation, it helps to restore the aura of the reference form.

Grapefruit - eliminates the unjustified self-satisfaction, objectifies evaluation relation to your person others, allows us to achieve success in work and communication reinforced by psychology.

Oregano - helps to close the pits and defects energy shell associated with increased irritability, temper, impulsive committing the abominable deeds, it helps to quickly fulfill their mistakes.

Ylang Ylang - old essence fumigation, attracts love and positive energy to the world's energy levels a skin, restores symmetry promotes higher chakras.

GINGER - strengthens the resolve, strength, integrity of nature. It facilitates recovery aura in diseases, injuries, operations, and after the aggression of black power. Energy amputated appendix. It teaches the right path of love.

Hyssop - helps cleanse, freshen the energy shell eliminates stagnant processes in the aura, enhances the charm and communication skills, promotes the accumulation of life experience.

Kayaputa - perfectly protects from envy and malevolence, helps to quickly recover after exposure to an aura of black energy, strengthens the immune strength and conductivity of renewable energy. Eliminates tails, promotes redistribution of energy to meet the shortfall in underdeveloped chakras.

CEDAR - strengthens the processes of renewal and recovery of energy aura increases thinned layers, it helps to quickly restore strength and energy in diseases and excessive stress on the nervous system. It gives dignity and validity of thoughts and actions.

CYPRESS - is oil-shield. Closes vulnerable chakras from ill of others, prevents vampire contacts, distributing energy density smoothly and harmoniously.

CINNAMON - stepping up, warms, rejuvenates an aura. It facilitates generating target pulse, easy to overcome setbacks, optimism, faith in their own strength and self-esteem. Does the nature of lighter, brighter and more human, opens the breath of love, establishes a harmonious relationship between man and woman, bringing them closer to the cosmos.

LAVENDER - promotes self-knowledge, meditation, recover quickly. It provides complete energy relaxation helps the resorption of scars on the energy shell. Reduces aggression, it helps to recover from envy.

INCENSE - one of the oldest and most valuable substances fumigation. Restores energy "justice" by returning energy to its owner. If someone is to wish you evil or the evil eye, and you feel the energy discomfort after use incense, a dirty energy that you have imposed, will return from whence it came, everyone gets what he deserves. Incense - the fragrance for meditation, samoproniknoveniya, the feeling of peace and nirvana, strengthens the faith and strength, increases the resistance of the energy envelope of evil, facilitates the production of energy from space and unselfish passing it expensive for you people, helps to find love and build a family, enhances intelligence and tolerance, to avoid hasty evaluations of people and events that eradicates evil motives allows to cure vampirism. Brightens, smoothes, strengthens the aura gradually returns energy to the tail of his original position, thus closing the energy breakdown.

LEMON - allows you to quickly and smoothly adapt to the new conditions of life, to new people, it helps to quickly get used to and accept philosophically irreparable loss, strengthens the vital interest, inspires creative action in the work, in the family, in love. It helps obtain energy solitude and meditate even in a crowd.

Leuzea - ​​gives life to eliminate defects in the energy aura, it helps to quickly restore power disease, severe physical stress, normalizes attitude. It increases energy success contributes to a redistribution of power from the tail into the hole, teaches replenish energy from space, prevents the development of vampirism and reckless destructive thoughts and actions, clarifies and gives symmetry and natural shape of the aura.

Marjoram - helps get rid of bad attitudes. Quickly resilience after serious trouble, loss, grief. Infected with a thirst for life, it allows you to quickly and easily achieve their goal.

MANDARIN - nourishes thinned by disease aura, helps to find peace and tranquility in the shower.

MELISSA - a powerful shield against the ill will of others, helps to get rid of old tailings and prevents the formation of new ones. It helps to be lucky and optimistic. Cauterized areas, poorly saves energy and strengthens the mechanisms of energy regulation.

MIRRA - pulsating energy, brightens, evens aura. Open to love. It helps to understand and to forgive mistakes and motivations of others. It helps to get rid of false self-assessments, their dignity. Perfect for meditation.

Myrtle - helps to heal and self-improvement. Oil for meditation.

JUNIPER - developing integrity and fidelity to nature, acceptance and recognition of lies, protects the aura of aggression, helping to find a quick and dignified way out of any difficult situation. Helps "gall" people get rid of inward self destructive irritation. Promotes the acquisition of well-deserved reputation by developing generosity and intelligence.

Nutmeg - oil for meditation, resort to the stars, restore the integrity of the energy. It helps attain spiritual justice and tolerance in love, in family life and in achieving business goals. It makes immune to bad influences teenagers, developing, and their intuition and insight.

MINT - enhances breathing, pulsating, renewal energy layer. It improves communication between loved ones. Eliminates tension and expectation of troubles. Lets Projection "black holes" on their lives. It helps to overcome the disease.

Neroli - increases the brightness and attraction of personality traits gives it elegance and nobility. Prevents bad impulses and envy. It is oil meditation helps to quickly abandon the material problems and see the spiritual side of the world.

Patchouli - helps to cope with any situation that requires analysis and intuition, enhances the higher chakras, helps to experience the unique flavor of love and kindness, prevents the development of vampirism.

ROSE - converts energy unproductive anger, frustration and sadness into energy self-improvement and an objective assessment of the problem. The oil helps to find harmony in all energy systems. People who constantly use rose oil, real sympathy at first glance those around her bright, smooth aura, friendly and unobtrusive.

ROSEMARY - refreshes, revitalizes energy layer, enhances immunity aura, warm, inspires action and active lifestyle, returns extinguished interest in life, strengthens psychology and intuition develops heart chakra.

Daisy - removes an inferiority complex, and, in severe conditions of life - it helps to cope with the difficulties with dignity, avoid depression and anger.

SANDAL - opens energy springs of creativity, personal completeness talent. It helps avoid impulsive actions, leaving holes in the aura. Thickens energy layer, it allows you to quickly and smoothly recover thinning aura. Oil for meditation.

Pine - Essential Oil-surgeon removes growths tails and black energy, eliminates stagnant processes in the energy shell, enhances breathing aura, the influx of new energy, aura cleansing and renewal. Helps to quickly recover from severe emotional shock, it develops a philosophical perception of trouble and optimism.

TUJA - helps to overcome the difficulties of the disease, to achieve success in life. Quickly regenerates the outer shell of the aura. Facilitates communication between lovers.

Yarrow - Oil Guardian helps to avoid serious trouble and protects the aura of injury, theft and aggression of the external world. Bestows peace of mind and self-esteem.

Fennel - helps to quickly get rid of the errors, misconceptions and unfair conclusions. It helps calm and soberly face the truth, protects the aura of injuries. Opens chakras to update.

Thyme - strengthens strong-willed determination to start and helps overcome shyness. Increases energy and brightness of the glow of the aura, it helps to neutralize the destructive mechanisms inside, under the outer shell of the aura. It promotes the renewal of energy, strengthens immunity aura.

Tea Tree - Oil oncologist. It eliminates energy growths caused by the adoption of attitudes wrong. Restores the thickness, shape, symmetry aura. The most profound effect on the cap (part of the aura above the head). Protects against aggressive energy of the outside world.

SAGE - helps restore and healed after an aura of deception and infidelity. Contributes to the opening of new possibilities of expression of the individual.

Lemongrass - a shield aura prevents effects of aggressive power, envy, hatred. Enhances energetism person, it helps to achieve success in life.

EUCALYPTUS - Oil-savior, helps to quickly recover from the stress of the disease, a curse. It increases the amount of energy responsible for longevity.

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