вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

7 of the rules of psychology, who should know

1. The right mirror.
People around me - my mirrors. They reflect my own personality characteristics, often not perceived by me. For example, if someone is rude to me, then I want to, I can afford. If someone has time and again deceive me, then I have a penchant to believe anyone. So do not take offense at anyone.

2. The right to choose.
I realize that everything that happens in my life - is the result of my own choosing. And if today I am dealing with a boring person, I do that and I'm just as boring and nerdy people? Not bad and evil men - there are unhappy. If I rake their problems, then I like it. So, no one to make a complaint. I myself have reason for everything that happens to me. The authors and the creator of your destiny - we do.

3. Rule errors.
I agree with what could be wrong. Not always my opinion or my actions other people have to be considered correct. The real world is not just black and white, there is light and dark gray and white. I'm not ideal, I'm a good person and have a right to make mistakes. The main thing - to be able to recognize it and to correct time.

4. The rule matches.
I have exactly that, and just enough so that I fit they deserve, no more, no less, whether it concerns relations with people, work or money. If I can not love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this man loved me. So all my claims are meaningless. And yet, when I decide to change - change and the people around me (for the better).

5. Rule Dependencies.
I have no one should. I can selflessly help anyone who can not. And it is a joy. To be good, you have to be strong. To be strong, we must believe that I still can. And I believe it! But you have to and be able to say "NO!"

6. The right to attend.
I live here and seychas.Proshlogo not, because every next moment comes now. There is no future, because it is not yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression, anxiety about the future gives rise to concern. As I live in the present, I insisted. There is a reason to rejoice.

7. Rights of optimism.
While we criticize life, she passes by. The eyes see, the legs go, the ears hear, the heart works, the soul rejoices. My fitness - sunny summer, meadow and river. As I move until the wind blew the skin - I live. When I'm watching TV, lying on the couch, or chat with my friends in the internet - I'm not in it, and in the hereafter.

30 things you should start doing for themselves

Remember today, because this is the beginning. Today - this is the starting point of a new amazing future.

1. Spend time alone with suitable people for this.
2. Meet with the problem head on.
3. Be honest in everything with them.
4. Put your own happiness in the very first place.
5. Be a true and proud of it.
6. Pay attention to the present and live it.
7. Appreciate lessons to get through their mistakes.
8. Be more polite towards themselves.
9. Enjoy the fact that you already have.
10. Create your own happiness.

11. Give the chance to their ideas and dreams.
12. Believe that you are ready for the next step.
13. make new relationships with people when it's worth doing.
14. Let the new people a chance.
15. Compete with your old self.
16. Rejoice in the victories of others.
17. Look for the good in difficult situations.
18. Forgive yourself and others.
19. Help those around you.
20. Listen to your inner voice.

21. Do not allow yourself to stress, take breaks.
22. Observe the beauty of every moment.
23. Take even that imperfectly.
24. Every day, work hard to get close to their targets.
25. Do not hide what you feel.
26. Take full responsibility for your life.
27. Actively develop the most important relationships.
28. Focus on what is subject to your control.
29. Focus on the possibility of positive results.
30. Think about how you still rich.

To desire to perform.

Surely you've heard that thoughts materialize. And so it is. But it happens not by magic, but by the laws of psychology. To desire fulfilled, it is necessary to formulate them correctly.

The more clearly you define exactly what you want, the better. Do not use negation, not to think about what you do not want, and only what you want. For example, not "do not want to get sick" and "I want to be healthy," not "I do not want to be fat," and "I want to be slim."

For example, you want to lose weight. Now you have all the details to see how it will happen. On a sheet of paper, write something like an essay on this subject that you become slim, feel free to walk along the beach in a bathing suit, I began to feel better, and in the stores always have your new small size.

Opinions about this from the experts were divided, but many of them are recommended to formulate a wish not in the future tense, but in this - as though you already have. For example, not "I want to get a job" and "I'm on the road to employment", ie your desire is already beginning to take place.

Expanding the boundaries.
It is not necessary to formulate a desire as "I'm on the way to buying a car." What if you win the car in a lottery, or someone close to you decides to give? Therefore, it is better not to impose restrictions in the form of "I want to buy, find, recover," etc. Who knows which way you will get the desired item.

Once past stages imagine yourself in the future, where your wish come true. For example, would you like a new apartment: imagine how you live in it, wake up in the morning, going to work, to meet the guests, etc. All the details, imagine the interior of the apartment around you who you are near. Think of it every day.

Remember that desire is fulfilled not by magic, and so time is required for its execution. Do not wait for tomorrow or in a week you for no reason at all will go on tour in Europe. Just continue to perfect your will: articulate, detailed and represent.

The most important thing is not to miss the chance. It is quite likely that you will be offered the job of your dreams, or a handsome man will come to meet you, and you for some reason scared and refuse. Do not be afraid and always use your chance.

15 things that men like to say to women:

1. We never move away from the women with whom we are well. And even from those with whom they had once been good - not once.

2. We recognize in women less than half would like to. But twice as much as you think.

3. Most of us know how to wash. As well as iron, dust and even cook yourself something acceptable. Therefore, women's household help, we are not so necessary to endure for the sake of strife and disrespect.

4. We are not afraid of strong women. They just do not like us, like you do not like weak men. Both of these character - flawed, so easy to agree: a pair of strong women and weak men - it is not uncommon, but rather classic.

5. If a man seems to lack of initiative mattress, maybe he just does not want you. Yes, and this also happens! We are able to inflate like a peacock's tail, and hibernate - depending on the situation.

6. Reflections on the fate of another world and the futility of existence should alert you. These can be symptoms of prostatitis!

7. The girl yelling at the waiter, does not cause us to respect. A disappointment to the point of disgust.

8. Sometimes, we do know what we're doing. Even if you really do not want to admit it.

9. We can uncomplainingly a long time to perform all your whims. But sometimes it's just curiosity - how far you can go in his selfishness. According to the results usually follow draw conclusions.

10. In the world of about three billion women. And among beautiful among them is much greater than that of men - intelligent and successful. We are reminded of this when we are required too much and give too little.

11. Not all of us feel the fullness of women's disadvantage. With age, this question takes us less and less.

12. Each of us values ​​most in women availability. But only if the availability - for him alone. Forgive us for this paradox.

13. If one of us is a Woman in a restaurant, it does not mean anything. Similarly, it does not mean anything smiles, jokes and other flirtation. We just eyeing you as you are to us.

14. We also sometimes deal with you laugh, when you do not really want. Just not to offend. If you decide to go with us to bed only when you see fit, we can do the same. And laughter would be very good, but each - his own.

15. We are not blind, and notice your unshaven legs, not dyed hair roots and other trifles.

We just happen to do not care if we are passionate about you.

суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It has to run faster than the lion, or perish. Every morning in Africa a lion wakes up. He must run faster than a gazelle, or die of hunger. No matter who you are - a lion or a gazelle. When the sun rises, we must run.

Thomas Friedman

четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the Dalai Lama has formed 18 of the rules of life. 

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements are associated with greater risk.
2. When you lose, you lose experience.
3. Follow the eternal three rules:
a) Respect yourself
b) To respect others
c) Do not walk away from responsibility for their actions.
4. Remember that not always what you want - do you need.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly
6. Do not let a little dispute ruin a great friendship
7. If you make a mistake - immediately do everything to fix it.
8. Sometimes you have to listen to yourself, alone.
9. Feel free but do not break the boundaries.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. live a life of dignity, so that later, in old age, you would think that.
12. A loving atmosphere is the foundation for your life.
13. In the debate, speak only of the present, do not bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth. I love it
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationships are those in which each half, with whom she was mindful of you.
18. Sometimes you have to give up what you want to get it


среда, 23 сентября 2015 г.

They say that if a man is disrespectful to his woman, then turned away from him luck. Why is this happening?

Women's creative thinking many times stronger than men, so its ability to influence the fate of a very high, both in their own destiny and the fate of her husband ..

When a woman is experiencing pleasure and happiness of the relationship, it starts to man, before it opens all the doors and luck begins to follow him around. Because of its happy and satisfied internal state of the power of his creative thinking woman bless her husband's success and attracted to his life auspicious events. Through woman to man rushes a stream of goodness, good luck and prosperity, or the flow of destructive power ..

The woman is closely linked with subtle spheres, the world of energy, so it is thought, its inner emotional state, forming the physical plane, quickly implemented. If the wife is not satisfied with family life, the husband is not happy, it will be difficult to realize itself, it is difficult to succeed ..

Why did the wise men do not spare money on gifts to their women, why they seek to protect them from any unpleasant work and surround only a pleasant experience? They know that a satisfied woman - a source of prosperity and happiness for the whole family.

вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

8 reasons to marry a girl with a bad temper 

If you want to get better, to expand the horizons of their thinking and their abilities, you'd better marry a "difficult" girl. Here's how to determine what you find is that person.

When people choose to live with someone, you care mostly about that man had no deficiencies, which can not be reconciled. And making a big mistake.

Everyone knows how to live with a girl who just goes with the flow. She was not angry and challenges you. She does not criticize you. She just nods and laughs. And it is always comfortable. She's sweet and good-natured. And let him do whatever he wants.

With girls, "another type" is usually much more difficult. They do not rejoice that have and want to have what they deserve. They will crave more from you. Sometimes they may argue with you in the worst possible moment - but because they are passionate and caring. And yet - emotional.

Immovable, passive man will choose the first option. He is not ready to work on anything, including their own relationship. He does not want to argue with him. Usually it ends with the fact that the relationship turns into a routine, and wither. But people live with each other because "already used" or the "hard to divide the property," or "for the sake of the children."

But a real man knows that a girl with a complicated character - the best choice. Sometimes live with it can be difficult, but that's only because she always strives for the best. If a man is aware of this, with time his relationship with a woman will become stronger and healthier.

Here's a girl you should marry. You may think that it completely insufferable character, but you're not ready to leave it. This girl never calms down. Living with it is unlikely to be "sugar", but it will make you want more.

Girls usually with complex creative and emotional. They are often called "crazy" or "bitch". Or "crazy bitch." But no one will love you more than this "bitch."

No one else will cause you to move toward your dreams. With "difficult" girl, you can conduct deep philosophical conversations. It will adjust your ideas and beliefs. And let it never be easy, but it will never be bored.

The "simple" usually "simple" mind. Living with her is quiet and smooth. She will always agree with you. But in this case - what is the true value of your partner?

If you want to get better, to expand the horizons of their thinking and their abilities, you'd better marry a "difficult" girl. Here's how to determine what you find is that person:

1. She rarely tells you what you expect to hear. And often it turns out that as a result she was right. Marry a girl!
2. Marry the girl who demands your respect for yourself.
3. Marry the girl who can talk about politics. Even if opinions differ from your own.
4. Marry the girl, whose eyes are starting to flicker while passionately talk about some things and travel.
5. Marry a girl who will not allow you to ruin your talent.
6. Marry the girl who makes you try to get better every day.
7. Marry the girl with whom you have to fight sometimes.
8. Marry a girl whose talents are yours, and even surpass them.

My dad always said that his mother attracted, first of all, that she was smarter than him. Only a real man can admit that it is the dignity of his wife, not her fault.

Do not get me wrong. Girls with a difficult character are usually men "pain in the ass." They constantly make you feel that you can not make them happy. But over the years, when the girl grows up and becomes wiser, it will be just the perfect wife. And once you find one, grab for her struggles. Perhaps it is - the best thing that can ever happen to you in life

понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

10 secrets that man and woman should know about each other 

1. Men and women are looking for in a relationship attention. Any dissatisfaction in relationships arises from the fact that a party receives less attention from the partner.

It may seem that relationships are suffering from the collapse of the complex nature, bad habits, obscene acts of one or both partners, but if the partners give attention to each other, these factors can not lead to a break.

But when one partner ceases to give attention to the other, then the battle begins, in which there is room for all negative feelings.

Man and woman differently operate attention. The idea is taken from George Subordina:
In fact there are two attention. Women form of attention when a person listens to the other party completely, ie without resistance takes, shall be submitted to him conversationalist and male form of attention - involvement in any process. In this case, the person is completely involved, and not diverted to anything else.

Man longs for a woman to fully listen to him, his mouth open, and agreeing with all of its arguments. I accept it without reservation information. In other words, it shows to the female form of attention. Like this man expects a woman will always be ready to have sex with him.

And he listened to a woman, a man applies his receiving treatment for attention. He draws it (or those in whom an interest) in the process of formation of new experiences so that it (they) opened and started to listen.

The man in the relationship always sets the direction, ie, It offers to show interest in something new, where, in his opinion, there may be a new experience, and thus he will heed.

The woman, not the man in the long-term maintenance of its involvement, becomes a source of discomfort and gradually he stops to win her attention.

A man who stopped to involve women in their interests, not giving her a new experience, it is disappointing.

The woman said that a weak man, who could not convince her to listen to him, the man said the woman bitch, who is not involved in his proposal.

However, if the attention and involvement existed between men and women at least for a while, there is a bond that lives on its own and is the second secret.

2. Between man and woman there is a relationship channel, sensual relationship. When you break the relationship connection remains and is suffering from one side and the pumping power for the second. As long as the connection exists, the partners alternately change the direction of energy flow through this channel. Consequently, one and then the second feels better, worse partner.

Any relationship is a certain process of energy and feelings, emotions and behaviors - the consequence of it.

The fact that relationships can be represented in the form of a pipe between a man and a woman, for which pumps feelings and emotions from one partner to another, considerably simplifies the explanation of why, in the severance of relations one of the partners is bad, and the other, as they say, luck itself up is .

Communication, trumpet, binding - call it what you want. She can not see, but because there is discomfort. How not seen the waves that come in your mobile phone, but the sound in the tube - a reality.

Many of you have often felt long, exhausting periods of ill health when he wanted to support even a small partner in the form of SMS, call or kind words.
But there no sound, no wiggling.
And when hear rumors that the partner carries ?! Inside begin boiling resentment, revenge, desire to rant and rave!

What to do?
A) Understand that your connection - an independent unit of the universe. Just as you pipe cleaner. The pipe is and she will join you. Communication in the form of a pipe will always look for a moment to let you know about yourself. To do this, the pipe will cause negative feelings and outflow of energy.

B) Once you are aware of it, use a pipe intended for the last time. Take your partner through it all belongs to you, and give him what belongs to him. Thus, the need for pipe disappears. She dissolved.

B) Thank partner because it was in your life. Give him a place in his heart.
C) Do you remember the mystery of Zero? In these respects, you have satisfied the need for ancestors? If not, then this place will come the same partner.

To the relationship did not come to rupture and suffering, you need to know about the Third Secret:

3. A man should divorce his mother before she decides to marry a woman.

A man always has its first woman. It's his mother.
As a boy he was fond of her first twelve years of life. Then the connection is weakened, but she always breaks?

If the mother - a self-sufficient, mature personality, it is easy to let his son into the world.
His mother sends his son into the hands of his father. Now, the man responsible for the man. So manhood passes from father to son.
But these days, it is not always so smooth.

Often the mother herself is a little Inner girl, full of fear and mistrust. And then she could not trust his son who whatever. Neither the father of the child, which may not be together for a long time, let alone a girl laid eyes on the most precious thing in her life.

Mother does not give freedom son is everything for him. If she knew personally makes it a loser!
But she does not want to know - it's mother and most of all loved his krovinochku!
Subconsciously, she wants to be desired and demanded at least to him, because he feels a complete nonentity. And grow their own kind.
So what! - She says. - As long as I'm alive, he would be under my protection, and is fully provided.
So I want to ask, and when you will not, it is also up to you to go to the other world?

Mom, please, the country needs men! Release them - let them become a man! I love them for real, and not out of fear for his tear-stained inner child.

Mom, that the man remained in a state of maturity of your ward, or worse "psychological man", he would have to drink. Only there, in a drinking bout, he will be able to fulfill your parental message: "Do not grow!"

Men do not marry until the divorce with his mother. Anyway, Mom, as "the first and the laws" discourage you from his wife.

After a man to divorce his mother and him, according to the Bible, united wife there something that is hiding in the Fourth mystery:

4. Women will always want to deprive a man of manhood that he has not got another.

Masculinity - the ability to penetrate into the unknown, into a world where nothing is yet known and where you need to create order. The universe has assigned this responsibility to the men, causing them to expand their masculinity, overcoming obstacles and opening the mysteries of nature.

A man should be involved in the new, to develop a new production and bring knowledge to the feet of their women. Wife or mother. (Let's assume that our man has divorced his wife and brings trophies).
So increasing his manhood.

And his woman? It is the very universe that wants her man to be studied. She then revealed to him, he hides some secrets of their own, in order to bring his interest in the new knowledge of them herself.

And when he wants to start learning another universe, then it appears at first puzzled, then resentment, "How? You still did not know me! How can you learn something different? I can not forgive you for this! "

Seeing his purpose - to learn new things, she offers him her "ideal":
Sit at home and hunting, to know here!
So it deprives him of masculinity, because now he can not deny it - would be a scandal, "How? You want me to change? Then get out for good! "
He agrees to stay close and slowly becomes a son to her, and she to him - his mother.

Their sexual relationship come to naught, but the main thing for her is achieved - a number is the one who will always be to study the universe and serve it.
What is the way out of this stalemate? He is the fifth secret:

5. Man is growing in status only to the love of his woman. These women had two: my mother and wife. If a man does not grow in status, it means that there is no love for him.

What do the all the people? Correct, development, growth!
Growth in human daily life appears as a transition from one state to another.

To grow in status, need resources, we need support. Who provides this support? Anyone who believes one who loves!

When a couple for a long time can not go out of his status in the higher rank, for example, can not be a long time to save up for the expansion of living space, this means that man as miners and hunters, not strong enough. He needs support.
Support it can take only a woman who force their faith will show him that he is strong and classy.

The man is not stronger than women. The man becomes stronger when it allows you to feel strong woman.
Women are not weaker than men. She just knows that her man needs to feel like a hero when he travels across the expanses of it is still unexplored universe.

Woman ready to give a man power to it involved his attention to her person, in her best interests. Woman gives energy, remember, through their attention and love for man.

Her love, he feels stronger and has the ability to grow in status, to refer the woman to the status of his (or her mother).
As soon as a woman stops to give attention and love of a man, his rise in status is stopped. There is much to blame for the lack of growth of man and money, but the reason is a woman who does not give him love.

What is love to find out the secrets of the sixth:

6. Love - is the desire to develop their partner. If your partner does not want development, he does not love you.

It is often heard such remarks: "Why do you have these books, training, seminars? Stay at home, take care of children! "
I want to say this person uttering it? He asks for attention.

Attention If it gets much, but still continues to hold a partner in the "golden cage", he does not want growth and development to a close.

Why did these people around?
Because both of them remain profitable wounded children and to play the role of their ancestors unfulfilled:
One -zhertva, the other - the executioner. One - a nonentity, the other - advantage.

One of the two who are in the top position, in a position of superiority over the wounded man, but hides the truth from him. His strategy: not to feel your pain, you have to be steeper than others. Towering over the victims, I would not notice that the very same miserable as they are.

This strategy leads to its decision not to allow the partner to develop, or partner escape from his slavery.
Wakes up, he sees that the path to freedom is opened and run away!

But the growth does not stop, and then slowly, slowly, through the role of the executioner, the tyrant, the partner begins to independently set up within the "golden cage" to pull out of it wounded his victim Internal children.

Process and tormenting he concluded in the seventh secret:

7. The man is the woman his every action, even the negative: drunkenness, idleness, beatings. Man - woman a mirror which reflects everything that she does not want to know.

Even in the most difficult relationship, in so-called dysfunctional families, men and women are to each other. They - a mirror of what we ourselves do not want to admit it.

The two are always together, until they have something to give to one another. And, perhaps, they give each other the pain, humiliation and suffering. But they did not disperse. And the reason is only one: The history of their ancestors.

Two repeat the history of their ancestors, showing their love is not a partner, and to the ancestors grandmother, great-grandfather, or to abort the child mother.

I wrote a lot about it on his blog, but now I just want to repeat an old idea with new words:
If you do not disagree with those who have not developed, and causes suffering, you, thanks to the tyrant, and gradually realize remove yourself from the Internal wounded children that were created during the time of your ancestors.

Sorry, but that's it ... thank tyrant, because his family the same story as in yours. Because you and the couple.

Two fighting for love, but you can win, but knowing the eighth secret:

8. To the man to beat a woman, he has to win the battle in her eyes, beat a man to a woman, she should lose him.

Taoists say, "Woman - wide, and the man - is deep."
This means that a woman feels good when his soul can open the wide, wide, and for this she needs to afford to trust the world, to accept it, not wanting to change.

This state is in the field, when you lie on the grass and to let a sky, sun, air, grass, ants and sun. And all-all-all.

The female energy flows horizontally, it is like the Earth.
A male energy is vertical, and the man feels great when, towering like a strong tree, the roots penetrate deep into the ground.
The man is powered by the female energy, as wood is supplied from land.

In a relationship, if a woman stands on a man she feels a victory, but in the end loses, because the tree under the ground is an earthquake.
At this moment a woman shakes like mountains during the quake, and she feels deeply hidden trouble. With each victory over men-trees growing anxiety and this growing fatigue. Victory is not pleased because in this land for a long time no one wants to settle.

In the mountains is always enough people and they were all there for one reason: once their ancestors fled from the danger of death in those mountain gorges that there were never found. So their descendants and became mountaineers. I myself am a mountaineer, because I say so.
The woman who loses the man is always the winner. Her energy is calm and plain. By its territory, many join, and the life becomes more and more diverse.

In such a woman a lot of friends and supporters, because it does not shake their power those who have decided to come to its expanses.

Now she is ready for new growth, which is revealed in the mystery of the Ninth:

9. A man dreams turn your woman into a queen and a woman dreaming of the final king.

The woman is always looking for a male teachers who can help her to know herself. Her boundless universe needs a man who will not pass by a wide variety of events and it will include all her female status: the girl, the mistress, the mistress and queen.

On this can only King because she needed a strong man, who grew up on their children's fears and calm the spirits of the ancestors.

A man wants to be the creator of a woman, he is ready to create itself from the woman, and the Queen is why so zealously listened to her words that she would like to learn somewhere, but not with him.

To turn a man into the King, the woman should give him a royal attention and reverence to recognize his contributions to it.

He - the King, and a woman posing in a man is able to realize the King, always happy and living in harmony and abundance.

Every man understands it and to feel like a king, he must know the tenth secret:

10. A man must understand that his intonation affect the status of women. After all, she loves the ears. Therefore, man should be able to love the voice, taking care of his intonations.

A strong man King - the one who can understand the feelings of women. Emotion - not words. They are like leaves in the wind. From the strong wind shaking.
Usually men do not even suggest that his words and tone - it's the wind that can scare a woman. A woman may be frightened so much that hide and deny the man into consideration.
And without her attention, it stops the growth status.

Therefore, the King knows that the softer his voice, the faster its success.
King gives heat. King - a man-Sun and the Queen - a flower, enjoy the sun and gentle Wete

What are the 30 books worth reading up to 30?

The time that you spend with the use of supposedly sitting in the Internet and engaging in "surfing" delusional any resources, can not be usefully spent. But nasha page is not one of those we are trying in every way to direct you in the way of learning and self-development! And that is why we have selected for you 30 wonderful books that you have to master before you knock tridtsatnik. Read it and do not say, do not read.

1. "Siddhartha," Hermann Hesse
Incredibly powerful work of the great masters, whose prose is not subject to aging. "Siddhartha" - a book about the importance of life experience, comprehension of the essence of reality, how a man to attain enlightenment. The atmosphere of oriental philosophy is to lull and soothe your anxious mind from page to page, helping to relax and soak up the wisdom that is fraught with this amazing novel.

2. "1984" by George Orwell
Despite the fact that the book was written in 1949, its meaning and the basic idea still relevant, even after 65 years. And what, if not it can be considered a criterion for a truly great work? In the center of the novel, dystopia - omniscient totalitarian government, in which any deviation from the prescribed set of laws is punished severely and mercilessly.

3. "Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"Kill a Mockingbird" acquaints us with controversial racial issues in the 30 years of the last century. The plot - an African American unjustly accused of a crime he did not commit - the rape of the young white girl. His work takes a lawyer who thus brings to his head and a general contempt for human judgment. Of course the story is on behalf of his young child. This book is about justice and the fight against prejudice.

4. "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess
Nightmarish vision of insane youth culture, depicting a poignant insight into the life of young criminals. This novel will take all your attention, and then leave without a word, with a bunch of ambiguous emotions.

5. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway
A short but poignant work of reflection on the theme of death, ideology and the incredible brutality and absurdity of war.

6. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy
We are forced to read a work still in school, literally from under the sticks. But to take up this great book must be in adulthood, to understand what masterpiece you squeeze and scroll. The storyline develops in Russian society during the Napoleonic era, where the tragic and unexpected ways intertwined fates of the main characters of the novel.

7. "Human rights," Tom Paine
The book, written in the era of the French Revolution, was one of the first to introduce the world to the concept and the general situation of human rights in terms of democracy.

8. "Social Contract", Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The famous quote from this work says that "man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains." What gives us the "Social Contract" Rousseau? First of all - a provision on the importance of each individual in society.

9. "One Hundred Years of Solitude", Gabriel García Márquez
In this novel, there is no plot in the conventional sense of the word. Instead, the author uses various historical narratives to portray the importance of honoring the memories and traditions of our culture.

10. "The Origin of Species," Charles Darwin
The book had a significant impact on how society sees the world of nature and genesis of humanity.

11. "The Wisdom of the Desert", Thomas Merton
Collection of thoughts and reflections that help us to understand what life is like a person learn the simple and pure existence in harmony with the world and with each other and how to become part of a force much greater than ourselves.

12. "The Tipping Point", Malcolm Gladwell
Author - Canadian journalist and sociologist - tells the reader why some ideas, products or types of behavior spread rapidly, like the "epidemic", while others are doomed to failure. In particular, it analyzes the "levels and the criteria under which the momentum for change will be impossible to stop."

13. "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Graham
A wonderful children's book that will remind you of how important it is to see and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. It is a tale filled with adventure, magic and camaraderie.

14. "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
One of the oldest books on military strategy in the world. The wisdom of this product can be used in any area of ​​our lives, from personal disputes, ending with the business strategy.

15. "The Lord of the Rings", JRR Tolkien
Open and read a few dozen pages, and you forget that this is the greatest fictional story was originally written for children. Believe me, you will not be stopped, and reviewing the same movie, you will be able to connoisseur wrinkle his nose and say, "And in the book was not so!"

16. "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens

Another tale, which teaches the reader of any age to how important discipline, emotion and morality to achieve its goals and success.

17. "Four Quartets," TS Eliot

A wise and poetic prose of modern times, which was written during the Second World War, and is still relevant. "To know what you do not know you have to go down the road of ignorance, to achieve what you have not, you need to follow the path of renunciation. To become not who you are, you need to follow the path on which You have not. "

18. "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller
One of the most outstanding works of the last century. The term "Catch-22" has already become a household name in the United States, and why - you can read in this collection, as we have already mentioned about this product.

19. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This book has also been included in the list of unrecognized at the time of the appearance of masterpieces. "The Great Gatsby" - a cautionary tale about the vicissitudes and temptations that arise in the way of the American dream. In particular, the reader learns that a few good friends is much more valuable than a great number of friends, and sometimes the desire to possess a much sweeter than mere possession.

20. "The Catcher in the Rye", J. D. Salinger
The book is about how hard life is a teenager. It does not matter at what time. Bunt, perfectionism, loneliness and fear of misunderstanding - it passes through each person, which is why the book has become a close and clear to millions of readers around the world.

21. "Crime and Punishment," Fyodor Dostoevsky
The thing you trembling or finally read this book? Yes, the one about the old woman money-lender and Rodion, skillfully wielding an ax. Of course, this is only the outer shell, and dig deeper - and you are sucked into something dark and dark, that is the philosophy of the great Russian author heavyweight.

22. "The Prince," Machiavelli
An impressive description of the different administrative situations of power and statehood. From the political and corporate power struggle to achieve common progress, the desire to manipulate and control others for personal gain and interests.

23. "Walden," Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau spent two years, two months and two days on the outskirts of Concord (Massachusetts) in his own hut built on the banks of Walden Pond, to write this book. This is a story about what it means to be truly free from the pressures of society and stereotypes.

24. "State" Plato
Incorruptible work of the great sage will give the reader a fundamental knowledge of political theory about how life should be lived, as leaders should govern and how subordinates - to obey.

25. "Lolita," Nabokov
The perception of the story depends on the reader's broadmindedness. Someone sees a sick pervert here and erotic overtones, and someone - the depth of thought, the beauty of style and endless contradictions between the edge sense of life and love.

26. "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov
Anticommunist masterpiece Bulgakov, published only after his death - is a multifaceted novel about the clash of good and evil, who with his head into the reader into the world of greed, corruption, deception and the essence of human nature. The incarnation of evil is sincere sympathy, while the champions of honor and justice, bogged down in a swamp of hypocrisy and deceit. The amazing and incomprehensible book for all times and generations.

27. "As a result of the case in order," David Allen
The quintessence of management and organization of their lives. Book with this promising title can not be ignored.

28. "How to Win Friends and Influence People," Dale Carnegie
Great-grandfather of books on self-improvement. This comprehensive and easy guide shows you how to conquer himself and change the angle of thinking, to develop their personal and business relationships.

29. "Lord of the Flies" by William Goldin
A provocative book on how to best clean and bright ideals replaced by animal instincts in the wild lawlessness and anarchy.

30. "The Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck
The story of the survival of the displaced families, desperate job-seekers in the country, which is mired in a depression, never cease to be relevant.

воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015 г.

                       Psychology of choice 

▫Famous existential psychologist S. Muddy notes that whenever we get to have to choose, we must remember that in fact in front of us always are only two choices. The choice in favor of the past - or opt for the future.

The choice in favor of the past. It is a choice in favor of the familiar and the familiar. In favor of what has already happened in our ▫zhizni. Choosing the past, we choose the path of stability and the familiar, we remain confident that tomorrow will be like today. You do not need any changes, and no effort. All tops have already been achieved, we can rest on our laurels. Or, as an option - we feel bad and difficult. But at least familiar and habitual. And who knows, maybe in the future will be worse ...

▫Choose in favor of the future. Choosing the future, we choose the alarm. Uncertainty and unpredictability. Because the future - the future of the present - it is impossible to predict. The future can not be foreseen and predicted, but it is possible to plan. Often, however, planning for the future - is planning an infinite repetition of the present. No, the real future - is unknown. Therefore, the choice deprives us of peace, and anxiety settles in the soul ... But the development and growth are only in the future. In the past, it is not, the past has been, and can only be repeated. Others it will not be.

▫So, each time in a situation of serious (and sometimes not) the choice we face figures of two angels, one of whom is named Tranquility, and the other - Anxiety. Calm points to well-trodden by you or others way. Anxiety - on the trail abuts the impassable windbreak. This is only the first road leads back, and the second - ahead.

▫Stary Jew Abraham, dying, beckoned to his children and tells them:
- When I die and stand before God, he will not ask me, "Abraham, why were you not Moses?" Do not ask, "Abraham, why were not you Daniel?" He asked me, "Abraham, why do not you been Abraham ?! ".

▫How to make the right choice? If, as has been said, now can not predict the future, how to understand your choice is correct or not?

▫V this - one of the small tragedies of our lives. The selection is determined only by the result. Which - in the future. And there is no future ... Aware of this situation, people often try the result programmed to play certain. "I'll do it when it is quite clear ... When you see a clear alternative to the ..." - and often the decision is postponed forever. Because no one has ever made decisions tomorrow. "Tomorrow," "then" and "somehow" never comes. Decisions are made today. Here and now. And, too, are beginning to be realized at the same time. Not tomorrow. And now.

▫Tyazhest choice also determines the price we must pay for its implementation. Price - this is what we are willing to sacrifice in order that our choice was implemented. Choice without the willingness to pay the price - impulsiveness and willingness to accept the role of victim. The victim decides, but, faced with the need to pay the bills, starts to complain. And then look for someone to blame responsibility. "I feel bad, it's hard, it hurts" - no, it's not the words of the victim, it's just a statement of fact. "If I knew it would be so difficult ..." - The victim can begin with these words. When you begin to understand that taking a decision without thinking about its price. One of the most important questions of life - "and it really worth it." Price altruism - forgetting yourself. Price selfishness - loneliness. Price is always striving to be good for everyone - often sickness and anger at himself.

▫Realize price of choice, we can change it. Or leave it as it is - but not complaining about the consequences and placing full responsibility.

▫Responsibility - a willingness to take on the status of the causes of what happened - with you or with someone else (by definition D.A.Leonteva). The recognition that it is you - the cause of the events. What is that now there is - the result of your free choice.

▫One of the severe consequences of the selection is that for every "yes" must always "no." Choosing one alternative, we close ourselves another. We bring some opportunities in the other victim. And the more opportunities - the harder we have to. Availability of alternatives we sometimes literally torn apart ... "We need" and "want". "I want" and "want". "We must" and "should". Trying to resolve this conflict, we can resort to three tricks.

▫first: try to realize just two alternatives. Arrange chasing two hares. What it ends up - it is known from the same sayings. No you will not catch. Because in fact, the choice is not made, and we remain in the same place where they were before the start of the chase. Suffer as a result of both alternatives.

▫ Two: choose half. Decide to make some kind of action to implement it - but the thoughts constantly return back to the point selection. "And what is the best alternative?". Often this can be seen in my students. They decided to come to class (because they have), but they are missing the soul of it being somewhere where you want. As a result, they are not in class - only their bodies. And they are not where they want to be - there is only their thoughts. Hence, for this moment, at present they do not exist. They are dead to life here and now ... Choose half - is to die for the reality ... If we made a choice - to close other alternatives, and immersed in the business ...

▫ third: wait until all by itself is formed. Do not make any decisions, hoping that some of the alternatives to disappear by itself. Or that someone else will make the choice that we will declare the obvious ... This case is a comforting phrase, "All that is done - all the better." Do not "all that I do," and "everything that is done" - that is done by itself, or someone else, but not me ... Another magical mantra: "everything will be fine ....". Its nice to hear from loved ones in a difficult moment, and this is understandable. But sometimes we whisper it yourself, evading solutions. Because overcome fear: what if a decision is hasty? Suddenly standing still wait? At least until the next day (which, as we know, never arrives) ... When we are waiting for that all by itself, we, of course, can be wrong. But often it happens differently - all by itself is formed, but not as much as we would like.

▫A still are maximalists and minimalists, which is remarkable B.Shvarts wrote in his book "The paradoxes of choice." Maximalists seek to make the best choice - not only to minimize the error, but to choose the best alternative of all that is. If you buy the phone - the best ratio of price and quality; or the most expensive; or the newest and "advanced". The main thing - that it was "the most." In contrast to the maximalists are the minimalists. They tend to choose the option that best meets their needs. And then the phone does not need a "best" and to call and send SMS - and fairly. Maximalism difficult choice, because always the chance that somewhere something will be better. And this thought haunted maximalists.

▫Choose is hard, but the rejection of the decision entails much more serious consequences. This so-called existential guilt. Wines to himself on the last untapped opportunities. Regret for time lapse ... The pain of the unspoken words of unexpressed feelings arise when it is too late ... the unborn children ... Unselected work ... miss ... Pain, when it is impossible to play back. Existential guilt - the feeling of betrayal itself. And this pain we can also hide. For example, to declare loudly that I had nothing to regret. What all the past I was thrown back, without a doubt, and looking back. But it is - an illusion. Our past is impossible to unhook and push back. You can ignore it, forced out of consciousness, to pretend that it is not - but it is impossible to detach, except that the price of a complete forgetfulness of self ... Wherever we rushed - everywhere drag a cart of his past experience. "It is foolish to regret what happened." No, sorry not stupid ... Stupid, probably will ignore the fact that when something went wrong. And ignore arising from this feeling. We - the people. And the pain is not able to discard.

▫So while the necessity of a serious life choices, you can understand the following:

▫V last favor or in favor of the future of my choice?
What is the price of my choice (what I'm willing to sacrifice for its implementation)?
My choice is dictated by the maximalism and minimalism?
Am I willing to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choice?
Having made the choice, I close all the other alternatives?
Am I doing the entire selection, or only half?
And finally, the question of meaning: "Why did I choose?
        18 small steps to improve the lives of 


1. Create a "calendar to rid the House of unnecessary things", spreading by leaps bringing order to the various domestic sectors.
Day 1: Parse logs.
Day 2: Parse DVD.
Day 3. Parse the book.

2. Live by the mantra: "Everything has its place and put everything in its place." Try all the 10 days to follow the following rules of the 4th:
1. If you have something - then it is put in place.
2. If you have something to open - close it.
3. If you dropped something - pick it up.
4. If you have removed something - hang it in place.

3. Stroll through the house and find 100 things that need to repair or correct a little. For example, change a light bulb, seal the hole on the wallpaper, fasten a new outlet, etc.


4. Follow, finally, advice, psychologists assert that all countries and completely different views - write on a piece of 5 to 10 things that you are grateful for in your life every day.

5. Create a list of 20 small cases that you enjoy doing and make sure to do at least one such case a day for the next 100 days. For example, have your lunch on a bench in the park, a walk in the evening in the park with a dog, 1:00 watercolor painting, etc.

6. Keep a diary of your mental chatter - that is, write your thoughts and feelings that arose during the day. For example, how many times per day do you blamed yourself in something as you are critical of others, how many times per day you came up with positive thoughts, etc.

7. Over the next 100 days, try a good laugh at least once a day.

☑Study and self-development

8. Select a complex book that you still did not dare to read, but wanted. Read it for 100 days from start to finish.

9. Learn something new every day. For example, the name of the flower, the capital of a distant country, the name you liked breeds of dogs, etc. In the evening, you can scroll in my head all the new things that you have learned in the past day, get a dictionary and learn a new word.

10. Stop complaining the next 100 days. Negative thoughts lead to negative results. Every time you want to complain, try to stop yourself.

11. Set your alarm clock for a moment before each subsequent day for 100 days. Try to get up immediately after the alarm rang, open windows, do light exercises. After 100 days, you'll wake up 1.5 hours earlier without much effort.

12. In the next 100 days Enter "morning pages" - a simple stream of consciousness in the morning, you will burn in a special notebook. This should be the first thing you do after waking up.

13. In the next 100 days, try to focus their attention on the thoughts, words and images of who you want to be and what you want to achieve.


14. Make a budget. Write down every penny you spend 100 days.

15. Look for good advice for finance online and select 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days. For example, a trip to the store with a limited amount of cash and no credit cards, doing a few cases in a single trip to save on gasoline, etc.

16. pay in stores only paper money in a piggy bank and put the rest of the surrender after shopping. After 100 days, calculate how much you can save.

17. Within 100 days they do not buy anything that you are not so necessary (meaning a fairly major purchase). Use this money to repay the loan (if you have it) or put in a deposit account for half a year.

18. Within 100 days dedicate at least 1 hour a day to find or to create or provide a source istochnikaka
            7 mistakes that 99% of women 


 There is a myth that people fall in love at first sight and their love lasts forever. However, no one does not build the house, no one does not get a profession, and no one is recovering.

I believe that a woman is building relationships. Do you know why I do not advise couples? Because, as a rule, a man asks to prove that a woman is wrong. And nothing else from a psychologist, he is not waiting. I believe that a man responds only to a woman. He will not be as responsive to a psychologist. I work with women because piously believe that when a woman changes, changing the ratio of men to her.
In this article, the 7 most common mistakes I've ever encountered.

▫Mistake number 1: Do you read a lot of morals

The fundamental error in a relationship - it is a lot of talk on the part of women. And it's not just talk. This is when, instead of explaining the reason for his sadness, she said: "I'll tell you how! I know! You do not know you at all ... "She starts his sermons, for example, in the car, at a time when he can not even get out of it. And it continues all the way to the brain to make him a minor subject. Then they come home, eat, go to sleep, have sex, and in the morning all repeated.

Mistake number 2: you throws to extremes

In women, there is another common mistake. They constantly go to extremes - "always available" or "completely inaccessible." There are 2 points:

When a woman is available close to your partner, regardless of his behavior, it loses its value for itself and for the partner.

When a woman takes the position of a tough leader, or "mother" in the family, her sex drive disappears. Because the men in the head "mama" and "sex" - are two different things. "Mama" - for love and sex have to look for another woman.

The woman - a combination of girls and mothers. Together we get a calm, harmonious woman who knows how to be flexible. Mom can not be flexible, as always something worrying and must be correct. A girl can not be flexible, simply because it is stupid.
When a woman learns to feel it understands what calm joy. And learning to find the tools to come to such a state.

Women waiting for that will come a man who will do anything and will be good. It does not become good. Because the need for love - it is a basic need. The basic requirements we can implement only their own. And if a woman is not able to meet their basic needs on their own, will increase resentment. Although it would seem, it goes as it should, and the man does as writing in journals. But she does not feel. And this leads to the fact that people leave.

▫Oshibka number 3: You lupite Tiger Sneaker

The woman often tries to convey to the man that he is not in line with its views. She constantly repeats statements such as: "You're lazy!", "How can I?", "You'll never earn money", "When you make a decision?". And report the information to him in such a position in the end make him a "pig" who does not want her to come.

I have such an allegory, when we take the tiger and let us peel his sneakers every day. We tell him that he was not strong, and not a tiger. I suggest that women say such phrases as, "You know, I'm sad," "You know, I'm very upset, because I explained to you how important it is for me, in the hope that you will understand me." Thus, a woman gives a man is responsible for his condition. This is very important. Because all women are waiting for justice. He is absolutely comfortable being who does not like the extra responsibility. And representatives of the strong half of humanity is much easier to make a woman feel comfortable, rather than later be responsible for the fact that she is sad.

Mistake number 4: You do not realize what happiness

I have been working for 15 years and for a long time did not understand why a girl with a very different status, age, experience and education make the same mistakes. And what I realized? What is the parents' responsibility is enormous. Parents must give their daughter the experience of happiness, in which she would later identify themselves in society. For example, I was not taught to feel happiness. And when she comes to life, she does not know what the state of happiness. She knows fragmentary state awards for good grades, good behavior or something else. And so it goes in life, not knowing what happiness is, and meets a man who says: "I am happy!" She takes him to her. It takes 2-3 years, and she does not feel happiness.

The main task of the parents - to convey to their children the meaning of happiness. And if a woman brings and cultivates a sense of quiet joy, it solves two problems at once.

▫Oshibka number 5: You do not raise affection in children

My friend has a daughter who is 3 years. When she approaches him, he immediately shows affection. By and large, nature shows the pattern of behavior of the girl. If the woman had behaved all the time so that the man would not have any chance of staying indifferent. But where this all is lost with age? Why, when you start talking to a woman, you need as much time to wait for it to cling to you? When women have children, they did it unconsciously. Why do they need to teach it again?
This anxiety. Experience from previous relationships. When the girl cheated three times, she begins to think: "What if he does not need? Suddenly he would alienate me? "

When I put myself in it, I will say a kind word, then it will not be a bad release. Similarly, our children. First - you should always take their feelings. If my daughter is crying, you can never tell her that she was crying because of nonsense. I must say that you would have wept in her place. We need to empathize. One of the tools is to make it clear to your child that he's all right. It must be said: "In any situation, I'm with you." And you have to stop yourself from moralizing. Many people say, "I'm in any situation with you, but you listen to when I was your age ..." And it starts ...

Mistake number 6: You do not give a man says

A man should learn to speak. When he's not talking, a woman feels unnecessary. The problem is that they make plans alone and do not discuss them with the woman. If he says: "Today, I'm working for three years to buy us a house," - the woman gladly support it. In the eyes of the man, if he lives with her, she comes home and eats the soup, then - he loves her. But the woman is not clear. Women ask: "How do I know what he looks at me a little late coming and sleeping in the other room?" When I ask this question to men, they say, "Well, I did it! Everything is fine. " With women need to talk. We must say: "I'm tired. Prepare a dish that's me. " And she'll be happy.

How to communicate to men that you need?

The fact that women see detail. That is up from the fragments of the big picture. And men see the big picture. When a woman does something and asks the man: "Well?" - In his head explodes. He thinks that if he says, and does not fall, it will be a scandal.

There is one good game. When your man asks you to do something, for example, asks you where his shirt, or asks to make tea, you tell him the following: "Three important for me the word and I'll tell you where your shirt" or "5 tender words, and you will have the best tea in the world. " Men really need to train for a while to ensure that it is constantly telling you these words. Later, he will independently use this tool.

▫Mistake number 7: You are not aware of its beauty

Why does a woman when out on the street for hours standing at the mirror and wants to look a little better for strangers, but can not find the time to look good for her man at home? This is because women are concerned about public opinion. Her man is nearby. It is much more important that the man is not to say something wonderful, and some stranger tell her husband about what his beautiful wife.
It's not exactly a healthy position and it must be eradicated. I believe that to be beautiful - it's a job for a woman for life. No matter how old she is. No matter whom she works. In no case can not run itself.

Simple techniques to be happy:

✔Think "What I enjoyed myself today I delivered?"

✔Go 4 kilometers a day on foot. It should not be "500 meters is now 500 - later." It should take just 4 kilometers.

✔Drink water! Depression washed out from the body.

✔Govorite himself: "I approve of myself!" As often as possible.

✔IF short: do in the morning is that you love. And the day starts well.

✔I there is one good piece of advice: once a week, do not do anything. Nothing at all. You can not fill the bed, eat yogurt, go to the fitness room and more. This is a very important procedure.

✔ I went to Tibet to find answers about happiness. Did not find. It was cold, hungry and scared. I was there for three weeks, and once a week I had the opportunity to ask the sage monk. My secret of happiness is that there are no guarantees. The world is unstable. Everything can change at any moment. And if today I will not take the maximum, then tomorrow I regret.
           How the brain affects the clock 

▫1. From 6 to 7 am - a "window" that works best long-term memory, all the information received during this period is easily digested.

▫2. From 8 to 9 includes logical thinking, this is the most suitable time for any activities related to - at the same time - with storing and analytics.

▫3. From 9 to 10 am - the best hours for information and statistics.

▫4. From 11 to 12 days reduced the effectiveness of intelligent features, so, you can turn your attention to something abstract. For example, listen to music.

▫5. From 11 to 14:00 - the best time for lunch. These clocks have to rush, as they say in the East, "digestive fire", when adopted by the food digested and absorbed well.

▫6. From 12:00 to 18:00 - the ideal time for active work. Work in the later hours forces the brain to work wear. The first signs of such a surge - difficulty falling asleep.

▫7. From 21:00 to 23:00 is most complete relaxation of the mind and nervous system.

▫8. From 23:00 to 1 o'clock in the morning, in the dream, there is an active recovery of subtle energy. In Chinese medicine, it is called "qi" Indian yogis call it "prana", modern science mushrooms nerve and muscle strength.

▫9. From 1 to 3 hours, in a dream, man restores emotional energy.
      12 reasons why you should never give up

☑1. As long as you are alive, everything is possible
The only valid reason that you can give is your death. As long as you are alive (health and free), you have a choice to make attempts until the final success.

☑2. Be realistic
The probability of development of something right the first time is very small. Everything takes time to learn it, and you will make mistakes. Learn from them.

☑3. You are strong
You are stronger than you think. One little failure is not enough to stop you in achieving your success. It will also be insufficient, and 10 and 100, and 1,000 failures.

☑4. Creative
If you do not want to be known as someone else, it is a weakness, and talks about what you give. Come out and show yourself to the world, as well as himself. You can and will achieve that intended to do. You fail only when the surrender.

☑5. Does this before?
If someone else could do it, so can you. Even if only one person in the world has managed to achieve what you want. This should be reason enough for you to never give up.

☑6. Believe in your dreams
Do not betray yourself. In life there are many people who tell you what you want to achieve the impossible. Do not let anyone ruin your dreams.

☑7. Your family and friends
Let the people you love, be your inspirations on what to continue to work to move forward. Perhaps you will want to try to see the other point of view, to learn more, practice more, but never give up.

☑8. There are people worse off than you
Right now there are many people who are in a worse situation, and in the worst environmental conditions than you are now. Would you like to give up jogging 5 kilometers? Think about the people who can not even walk, and how much they would be willing to pay for the opportunity to run for 5 kilometers every day.

☑9. Improve our world
When you reach everything you set out to achieve, you can use their success to make change in the world or in the lives of individuals.

☑10. You deserve happiness
Never let anyone tell you otherwise. You deserve happiness and deserve success. Keep this attitude and never give up until you reach your destination.

☑11. Encourage others
Is an inspiration to others, refusing to give up. Who knows what can be achieved by someone else because of the fact that you are never gave up, and thereby inspire others to not to give up.

☑12. You are so close
Often, when you feel you want to give up, you are so close to that, to make a huge breakthrough. At any moment of your time you are always just on the verge of success.
                25 ways to calm the nerves 

◽1. Take a 10-minute walk. This will help the body to relax and relieve stress, leading to anxiety.

◽2. Listen to a relaxation or even the usual music that you like. This will help you to escape from thinking about stressors.

◽3. Stop obsessive thoughts. Even better would be to work intensively on the nature.

◽4. Stop talking about your past. If you do so simply does not work, consult a specialist. Soon, once again, try to keep up with life, live the present and forget the past.

◽5. Breathe slowly. So you will be able to relieve some stress experienced by you.

◽6. Count to ten. This technique will help you to maintain concentration and avoid ill-considered words and actions about which you would later regret.

◽7. Use positive affirmations. Pep talk with yourself - a useful trick that you can use at any time, to avoid a nervous breakdown or loss of control over the senses and emotions.

◽8. Take care of yourself! You should not blame and blame yourself - it will only exacerbate stress.

◽9. Go to sleep, or at least slightly prikornite. Rest is very important to take care of your body. When you get tired, you become irritable and nervous, which can lead to health problems.

◽10. Talk to other families. Having shared their suffering with someone you trust, you can reduce stress and even to find a way out of this situation.

◽11. Avoid caffeine - it is a strong stimulant, it can lead to increased stress.

◽12. Try massage. This positive effect on muscle tone. Your muscles can be stretched, which leads to stress.

◽13. Time management (time management). Put priorities and use time wisely. Do things in order of importance.

◽14. Do not hurry. This is a bad habit that can lead to problems in the future. It is also an unnecessary stressor that can be avoided.

◽15. Avoid excessive workload. You should try to balance time between work and family. By recycling, you can cause serious health problems, and lack of personal time can lead to a deterioration in relations in the family, including stress and depression.

◽16. Ask for help. It can be very useful to get help or advice from their home or friends at a difficult time for you.

◽17. Do something fun, funny. Humor always helps in dealing with stress and is very useful for life in general.

◽18. Live today and plan for tomorrow. Do not overload the care and planning that can wait.

◽19. Keep a diary. Leaving on paper your thoughts and feelings, you let problems quickly leave you.

◽20. Laugh and smile more. This is a great relaxation experience, allowing you to stay in a good mood and maintain a positive attitude. See a funny show, a movie or go to a comedy club.

◽21. Eagles do not hunt flies. Learn to ignore the minor troubles (eg, loss of money, forgetting things, interaction with "difficult" people, etc.). If that is not worth your time and it can be ignored - ignore it and do not look back.

◽22. Tidying the house. Bringing the house in order - an excellent remedy for stress and enhance the feeling of comfort.

◽23. Be optimistic! Stop being negative sentiment - you same with them and interact all day, every day.

◽24. Stop trying to be perfect. Never, nothing will be so. It only leads to false expectations, leading to excessive stress in certain situations.

◽25. Stop trying to control everything. Learn to relax and do what you can. It is not easy to accept the fact that there is something you can control, and something - No, but it helps a lot in today's world full of stress. It's also a great example of what your priorities.
    How to behave in the poor man's wife?

  Many times noticed that the "rogue" wife all the same, as a blueprint. I do not mean that they are groomed or ugly (although this often happens). Suddenly there is the code phrase that man is programmed to poverty? Because of the success in the past, men do failure and rogue?

I analyze and understand the dependence of the success of the men from the behavior of his wife there - at least, with a probability of 99%. For example…

There is a type of women will call them "parasites"? Her mission from the beginning of the relationship - to milk from a man all that is possible, to get him to bring the maximum benefit.

For such a man and a woman not a man more just and cattle, which in fact use her body is now in the coffin of life owes her, her mother, and sometimes friends. But how to make a man out of the ordinary dumb chmoshnik? Very simple, look.

Separation from loved ones. This is the first, which begins with "parasite." It is completely invisible manages to quarrel with all the relatives of the man and literally forbids him to stay in their territory. She is constantly unjustly offended his mother or grandmother, so will only live separately. Its territory once it will first and foremost requirement. As long as nothing else gives it greedy bitch.
The seizure of power over the territory. Woman parasite usually proceeds as follows: a husband leads to its territory, or, more likely, will require to purchase a house, writing on her property. This is a standard course of women parasite, after which everything becomes clear. Moreover, pay on loans will be the man. It will substantiate the request as you like - fear for the fate of unborn children, the fear of a possible betrayal, the requirement to show love. The meaning of such behavior is one - to get an instrument of pressure.
Now we need a final push to legally seize power in the house. Most often, the child is put, or more. Already from the beginning of pregnancy, the time comes to manipulation. Do not you do this for your child? Can not you take care of your family? Madame starts borzet more than suggest to her hormones. At this point, the man sits down guilt. You made a little child, look at others, you're a bad, insensitive, you hurt me, you owe us. Men, be very careful! A new virus that attacks the male population, spreading terrifying pace. Here are the main symptoms of the disease, ways of transmission and information about the parasite. Parasites in this case is a female, your girlfriend or wife.
Externally, the parasite can be attractive and alluring outlines coloring, but it is distinguished by the desire to do nothing and to organize life at your expense. A huge colony of parasites bred women because the domination of gloss. The rudiments of a brain parasite can only then to sell more expensive, and the most efficient use of your reproductive organs.

Female parasite can be identified by the words "you should", "you owe", "you're a man." With their help, your brain is being implemented an idea of ​​what you need to fully support any "Wishlist" parasite, which is sure to grow day by day.

Gradually, the parasite is becoming bolder, and foul your brain the products of its life. You start to feel a permanent sense of guilt and loss of self-esteem. At the same time, incredibly inflated ego the parasite. Woman parasite begins to feel like a queen. You are in this case no more than the useful pet.

In order to keep your body in a weakened state, the parasite uses the following methods: limit your contact with family and friends, you are depriving the right to dispose of their own money, the constant sawing and sexual blackmail. The presence of the latter method, the impact of 100% indicates the need for infection control within your body. A female parasite can deliberately have a negative effect on your appearance and manner of dress, make you look less attractive for other parasites.

The disease is reversible. Treatments are only breaking the link with the parasite. In advanced cases, the ill faces turning into fat, zachuhannoy, badly dressed, devoid of sex and money creation, the last effort to try to ensure the needs of the family. In severe cases, stroke and death about 45 years. Be carefull
                How to rest for 60 seconds?

How fast can relax and regain your strength? Do you think that this should go on vacation, or at least take a day off and dedicate it to rest?

No! We say that you will only need 60 seconds! Yes, exactly one minute - and you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Do not believe me?

Then we begin:

Follow all the action carefully, without fanaticism.

1. Quickly rub your finger across the palm - 5 seconds.

2. Now, quickly rub cheeks warmed his hands up and down - 5 seconds.

3. Often tap drumming on the top of the head - 5 seconds.

4. Squeeze hands in a relaxed fist. Vigorously stroking the inner and outer side of the forearm - 3 times.

5. Gently push down on the thyroid gland (below the Adam's apple) thumb and index finger - 3 times.

6. Look at the neck throbbing carotid artery, gently press on the artery, count to 5. Free. Breathe deeply. Click again and go to the other side.

7. Use your thumb to feel for depression at the base of the skull. Click count to 3, release. Repeat 3 times.

8. Massage Foot reflexology:
- Squeeze the tip of the thumb, then the thumb pad. If you notice a painful point, mash it until the disappearance of pain.
- Firmly grasp the thumb and index fingers Achilles tendon, squeeze it, release it. Repeat 3 times on each leg.
- Quickly rub the top of the foot by hand (or, more conveniently, the heel of the other foot).

9. open palm pat the leg in front, side and rear of the foot to the groin (if you have varicose veins).

Do you feel that the body has spread pleasant warmth? If yes - then the goal has been achieved: in just one minute you turn on the main systems of the body to full speed.
          Choose your level of human values

I used to think that a person can be anything: a thief even though boor though a fraud. So, because there was his family life, was raised parents, or the spirit of it is necessary to pass these lessons.

I now understand it, but I want to be around him people of a different order, completely different. These are people for whom the honor of the word, dignity, conscience matter.

Probably because of the same household employment of women rarely think about these categories. More precisely, it is assumed that femininity they are not relevant, and therefore it is not necessary to work on the features that do not develop femininity, do not help to find a man and get married and it seems only interfere in the implementation of the external world. This is misleading. Any relationship can be long-term and quality only in one case: if the values ​​are the same people.

I have great concerns is the man who can not explain what it means for him the honor and the ability to keep his word. If conscience he defines as "I try not to lie, max - just keep silent," that as a person he is a sad picture. Conscience - that's for sure something more. If a person can not independently determine for itself the moral category, self-control, to evaluate their actions, it is very sad.

Psychologists can explain any behavior. In terms of how to find an excuse, it is very convenient science. Man has countless sexual encounters, manipulates, avoids responsibility? So he nedolyublennosti child, violation of his affection into force traumatic relationship with his mother, and much more.

But if you grew up, I became a man, educate yourself! Look for your self! You can always find a justification for the pain that you cause to other people, but most often you see what you're doing, even if you know of a response. If you have a healthy brain (without organic lesions of the child), you should be able to analyze. Even if some unseen force pushes you to steal or to use the body of another person at one time, you are able to understand, to see, to feel what others are doing bad. And you see! But these doubts prefer to stick to the far corner of consciousness and justify himself.

If a person controls the value of low-order: the money at any cost, the pleasure at any cost, pandering to his whims, he turns into a dirty, low-level creature.
Speaking psychological terms, the animal 'It' takes precedence over the "I" in the absence of "superego." "I" conscious and unconscious desires and satisfy the needs of "It" using norms and laws "superego." The presence of all three components - "It", "I" and "superego" - in the human psyche makes it complete, complete person. Otherwise, get a substitute, unfinished man, so it is impossible to build a full-fledged personal.

Neither mind nor intelligence nor education alone do not determine the value of the highest order. These values ​​are formed from the inner purity and fullness of tireless work on yourself. They make a person not just a living being, but a man. Only the values ​​of a high order: dignity, respect, self-esteem, willpower and strength of mind, conscience - set high vibration of the soul and make him clean and bright.

Such people can not live, friends, work with dirty characters. They will never be able to understand. They will inevitably seek to suppress and destroy. The unconscious many times more powerful and stronger than the super-consciousness.

суббота, 12 сентября 2015 г.

                     O What do addictions

Do you pay attention to how colors play an important role in our lives?

Hair color, eye color, skin - the first thing that distinguishes humans from birth. Then take the role of color preferences in clothing, cosmetics, household items. Why colors play a big role in our lives? Why did we abandon the monotony of color?

Color preferences reflect the internal state

Undoubtedly, human color preferences - it's part of his image, a matter of taste and aesthetics. However, such a variety of features and more dictated by the energy device of man. And sometimes the commitment of certain colors can be said about the psychological, emotional, and the internal state of a person. We are not considering the physics questions, and the perception of the color spectrum of colors of our eyes. We are talking about human energy, that is not visible to the eye.

Almost everyone at least once in his life heard about chakras. Chakras - the energy centers is responsible for the reception, storage and conversion of energy at different levels. There are 7 major chakras, each of them is "painted" in a different color on the colors of the rainbow (from red to violet). Therefore, an urgent need to recharge a particular color occurs due to failures in the energy centers of man.

Below I suggest a small test passed you will be able to diagnose at the lack of a particular energy.

Look around. Carefully inspect your home, belongings, clothing, purchased by you. Evaluate whether there is a predominant color. Perhaps you will see interior objects of the same color (hue), purchased at different times. In general - Specify the color to which you are particularly drawn.

What you surround yourself with objects of a certain color, means that you need clearing the chakras, which corresponds to the given color. There is an important point: the color does not just have you like - it must be present in your life in a large amount, you should pull him.

If you can not immediately answer the question "Do I have a color that dominates my life, to which you want to watch constantly and a lot", then at the moment you are in a state of energy balance.

The color values

Red. The color of vitality, strength and stability. Do you feel an urgent need in the red? This could mean:

- The lack of support, lack of support;

- Anxiety, uncertainty, feeling not safe;

- Anxiety, depression.

Red is associated with heat, fire. It is symbolic that the people in their lives attracting red, wish to draw and the human warmth, to feel protected and nourished the energy necessary for life, for ordinary, everyday activities.

Emotional symptoms: resentment, feelings of fear, anxiety, isolation, passivity.

Physical manifestations: illness lower back, spine, adrenal glands,

Orange. Color emotional experiences, pleasures. Pulls to orange if:

- People experiencing an acute need for new experiences, emotions;

- Needed entertainment, enjoyment of any nature (including sexual);

Emotional symptoms: irritability, anger, envy.

Physical manifestations: violation of the endocrine system, pain in the lower abdomen.

Yellow. Responsible for socialization, man's place in society and development. Proponents of yellow - the people:

- Wishing to establish themselves in society, improve their communication skills;

- Which is necessary to develop self-control and self-discipline;

- Which is necessary to define clear goals and objectives for the future.

I would like yellow? It's time to pay attention to a career, you may be "stagnant" in place. Also, yellow indicates the need for growth - smart, career.

Emotional symptoms: the desire to defend his point of view, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt.

Physical manifestations: diseases of the digestive system.

Green and pink. Displays of affection, love, vulnerability, emotional state. If your favorite at the moment is one of these colors, look for:

- Vulnerability and sentimentality;

- That a person takes everything to heart, "passes through a" compassionate;

- The need to love and be loved.

Emotional symptoms: excessive emotionality, feelings of guilt because of the failures of others, dependence on the love, the need to be paired.

Physical manifestations: diseases of the cardiovascular system, a weak immune system.

Blue. Color creative manifestation itself. The blue color expresses the energy of creativity and creation, creations with his own hands. Speaking about the need to speak out, to speak not only in art, but in life, tell us about what is haunted. Blue chakra is located in the throat. A creative people and touchy people often suffer from diseases of the throat (cold, sore throat), which symbolizes the deliverance of man from the accumulated surplus of the desire to tell the world about yourself (in a positive way - work in a negative - to tell about resentment and frustration).

Physical symptoms: sore throat, thyroid, metabolic disorders, overweight.

Blue. Color display in person beginning of spiritual growth. This need for:

- Expansion of spiritual vision, intuition, clairvoyance;

- Knowledge not only of the material world.

People-blue supporters - it's usually the people the primary stage of spiritual growth, with a small set of knowledge and skills. Maybe go to extremes - abuse of alcohol and stimulating substances.

"Blue" chakra - the chakra of the highest order, which works for people who seek spiritual growth and development.

Purple and White. Chakras correspond to a higher order. Unconscious love for these colors are the people close to enlightenment and illumination. These people are usually engaged in spiritual practices are in a constant state of spiritual growth and development. This desire for a higher level of consciousness

We dismantled all the colors that correspond to the energy centers of man. But, as is known, colors of the world over. And it is worth saying a few words about them.

Black. The color of renewal and change. It is believed mourning, but there is mourning and death? This transition to a new level. Hence the desire for black color usually represents a subconscious desire to global changes in life.

Brown. The variation of red, the color of the earth. The desire to stand firmly on his feet, no extreme in life, the need to support and protected.

If you do not see the color you want in the list, look for the closest of the color spectrum (eg, beige closest to Brown).