понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

What are the 30 books worth reading up to 30?

The time that you spend with the use of supposedly sitting in the Internet and engaging in "surfing" delusional any resources, can not be usefully spent. But nasha page is not one of those we are trying in every way to direct you in the way of learning and self-development! And that is why we have selected for you 30 wonderful books that you have to master before you knock tridtsatnik. Read it and do not say, do not read.

1. "Siddhartha," Hermann Hesse
Incredibly powerful work of the great masters, whose prose is not subject to aging. "Siddhartha" - a book about the importance of life experience, comprehension of the essence of reality, how a man to attain enlightenment. The atmosphere of oriental philosophy is to lull and soothe your anxious mind from page to page, helping to relax and soak up the wisdom that is fraught with this amazing novel.

2. "1984" by George Orwell
Despite the fact that the book was written in 1949, its meaning and the basic idea still relevant, even after 65 years. And what, if not it can be considered a criterion for a truly great work? In the center of the novel, dystopia - omniscient totalitarian government, in which any deviation from the prescribed set of laws is punished severely and mercilessly.

3. "Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"Kill a Mockingbird" acquaints us with controversial racial issues in the 30 years of the last century. The plot - an African American unjustly accused of a crime he did not commit - the rape of the young white girl. His work takes a lawyer who thus brings to his head and a general contempt for human judgment. Of course the story is on behalf of his young child. This book is about justice and the fight against prejudice.

4. "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess
Nightmarish vision of insane youth culture, depicting a poignant insight into the life of young criminals. This novel will take all your attention, and then leave without a word, with a bunch of ambiguous emotions.

5. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway
A short but poignant work of reflection on the theme of death, ideology and the incredible brutality and absurdity of war.

6. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy
We are forced to read a work still in school, literally from under the sticks. But to take up this great book must be in adulthood, to understand what masterpiece you squeeze and scroll. The storyline develops in Russian society during the Napoleonic era, where the tragic and unexpected ways intertwined fates of the main characters of the novel.

7. "Human rights," Tom Paine
The book, written in the era of the French Revolution, was one of the first to introduce the world to the concept and the general situation of human rights in terms of democracy.

8. "Social Contract", Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The famous quote from this work says that "man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains." What gives us the "Social Contract" Rousseau? First of all - a provision on the importance of each individual in society.

9. "One Hundred Years of Solitude", Gabriel García Márquez
In this novel, there is no plot in the conventional sense of the word. Instead, the author uses various historical narratives to portray the importance of honoring the memories and traditions of our culture.

10. "The Origin of Species," Charles Darwin
The book had a significant impact on how society sees the world of nature and genesis of humanity.

11. "The Wisdom of the Desert", Thomas Merton
Collection of thoughts and reflections that help us to understand what life is like a person learn the simple and pure existence in harmony with the world and with each other and how to become part of a force much greater than ourselves.

12. "The Tipping Point", Malcolm Gladwell
Author - Canadian journalist and sociologist - tells the reader why some ideas, products or types of behavior spread rapidly, like the "epidemic", while others are doomed to failure. In particular, it analyzes the "levels and the criteria under which the momentum for change will be impossible to stop."

13. "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Graham
A wonderful children's book that will remind you of how important it is to see and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. It is a tale filled with adventure, magic and camaraderie.

14. "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
One of the oldest books on military strategy in the world. The wisdom of this product can be used in any area of ​​our lives, from personal disputes, ending with the business strategy.

15. "The Lord of the Rings", JRR Tolkien
Open and read a few dozen pages, and you forget that this is the greatest fictional story was originally written for children. Believe me, you will not be stopped, and reviewing the same movie, you will be able to connoisseur wrinkle his nose and say, "And in the book was not so!"

16. "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens

Another tale, which teaches the reader of any age to how important discipline, emotion and morality to achieve its goals and success.

17. "Four Quartets," TS Eliot

A wise and poetic prose of modern times, which was written during the Second World War, and is still relevant. "To know what you do not know you have to go down the road of ignorance, to achieve what you have not, you need to follow the path of renunciation. To become not who you are, you need to follow the path on which You have not. "

18. "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller
One of the most outstanding works of the last century. The term "Catch-22" has already become a household name in the United States, and why - you can read in this collection, as we have already mentioned about this product.

19. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This book has also been included in the list of unrecognized at the time of the appearance of masterpieces. "The Great Gatsby" - a cautionary tale about the vicissitudes and temptations that arise in the way of the American dream. In particular, the reader learns that a few good friends is much more valuable than a great number of friends, and sometimes the desire to possess a much sweeter than mere possession.

20. "The Catcher in the Rye", J. D. Salinger
The book is about how hard life is a teenager. It does not matter at what time. Bunt, perfectionism, loneliness and fear of misunderstanding - it passes through each person, which is why the book has become a close and clear to millions of readers around the world.

21. "Crime and Punishment," Fyodor Dostoevsky
The thing you trembling or finally read this book? Yes, the one about the old woman money-lender and Rodion, skillfully wielding an ax. Of course, this is only the outer shell, and dig deeper - and you are sucked into something dark and dark, that is the philosophy of the great Russian author heavyweight.

22. "The Prince," Machiavelli
An impressive description of the different administrative situations of power and statehood. From the political and corporate power struggle to achieve common progress, the desire to manipulate and control others for personal gain and interests.

23. "Walden," Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau spent two years, two months and two days on the outskirts of Concord (Massachusetts) in his own hut built on the banks of Walden Pond, to write this book. This is a story about what it means to be truly free from the pressures of society and stereotypes.

24. "State" Plato
Incorruptible work of the great sage will give the reader a fundamental knowledge of political theory about how life should be lived, as leaders should govern and how subordinates - to obey.

25. "Lolita," Nabokov
The perception of the story depends on the reader's broadmindedness. Someone sees a sick pervert here and erotic overtones, and someone - the depth of thought, the beauty of style and endless contradictions between the edge sense of life and love.

26. "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov
Anticommunist masterpiece Bulgakov, published only after his death - is a multifaceted novel about the clash of good and evil, who with his head into the reader into the world of greed, corruption, deception and the essence of human nature. The incarnation of evil is sincere sympathy, while the champions of honor and justice, bogged down in a swamp of hypocrisy and deceit. The amazing and incomprehensible book for all times and generations.

27. "As a result of the case in order," David Allen
The quintessence of management and organization of their lives. Book with this promising title can not be ignored.

28. "How to Win Friends and Influence People," Dale Carnegie
Great-grandfather of books on self-improvement. This comprehensive and easy guide shows you how to conquer himself and change the angle of thinking, to develop their personal and business relationships.

29. "Lord of the Flies" by William Goldin
A provocative book on how to best clean and bright ideals replaced by animal instincts in the wild lawlessness and anarchy.

30. "The Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck
The story of the survival of the displaced families, desperate job-seekers in the country, which is mired in a depression, never cease to be relevant.

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