воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015 г.

    How to behave in the poor man's wife?

  Many times noticed that the "rogue" wife all the same, as a blueprint. I do not mean that they are groomed or ugly (although this often happens). Suddenly there is the code phrase that man is programmed to poverty? Because of the success in the past, men do failure and rogue?

I analyze and understand the dependence of the success of the men from the behavior of his wife there - at least, with a probability of 99%. For example…

There is a type of women will call them "parasites"? Her mission from the beginning of the relationship - to milk from a man all that is possible, to get him to bring the maximum benefit.

For such a man and a woman not a man more just and cattle, which in fact use her body is now in the coffin of life owes her, her mother, and sometimes friends. But how to make a man out of the ordinary dumb chmoshnik? Very simple, look.

Separation from loved ones. This is the first, which begins with "parasite." It is completely invisible manages to quarrel with all the relatives of the man and literally forbids him to stay in their territory. She is constantly unjustly offended his mother or grandmother, so will only live separately. Its territory once it will first and foremost requirement. As long as nothing else gives it greedy bitch.
The seizure of power over the territory. Woman parasite usually proceeds as follows: a husband leads to its territory, or, more likely, will require to purchase a house, writing on her property. This is a standard course of women parasite, after which everything becomes clear. Moreover, pay on loans will be the man. It will substantiate the request as you like - fear for the fate of unborn children, the fear of a possible betrayal, the requirement to show love. The meaning of such behavior is one - to get an instrument of pressure.
Now we need a final push to legally seize power in the house. Most often, the child is put, or more. Already from the beginning of pregnancy, the time comes to manipulation. Do not you do this for your child? Can not you take care of your family? Madame starts borzet more than suggest to her hormones. At this point, the man sits down guilt. You made a little child, look at others, you're a bad, insensitive, you hurt me, you owe us. Men, be very careful! A new virus that attacks the male population, spreading terrifying pace. Here are the main symptoms of the disease, ways of transmission and information about the parasite. Parasites in this case is a female, your girlfriend or wife.
Externally, the parasite can be attractive and alluring outlines coloring, but it is distinguished by the desire to do nothing and to organize life at your expense. A huge colony of parasites bred women because the domination of gloss. The rudiments of a brain parasite can only then to sell more expensive, and the most efficient use of your reproductive organs.

Female parasite can be identified by the words "you should", "you owe", "you're a man." With their help, your brain is being implemented an idea of ​​what you need to fully support any "Wishlist" parasite, which is sure to grow day by day.

Gradually, the parasite is becoming bolder, and foul your brain the products of its life. You start to feel a permanent sense of guilt and loss of self-esteem. At the same time, incredibly inflated ego the parasite. Woman parasite begins to feel like a queen. You are in this case no more than the useful pet.

In order to keep your body in a weakened state, the parasite uses the following methods: limit your contact with family and friends, you are depriving the right to dispose of their own money, the constant sawing and sexual blackmail. The presence of the latter method, the impact of 100% indicates the need for infection control within your body. A female parasite can deliberately have a negative effect on your appearance and manner of dress, make you look less attractive for other parasites.

The disease is reversible. Treatments are only breaking the link with the parasite. In advanced cases, the ill faces turning into fat, zachuhannoy, badly dressed, devoid of sex and money creation, the last effort to try to ensure the needs of the family. In severe cases, stroke and death about 45 years. Be carefull

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