суббота, 12 сентября 2015 г.

                     O What do addictions

Do you pay attention to how colors play an important role in our lives?

Hair color, eye color, skin - the first thing that distinguishes humans from birth. Then take the role of color preferences in clothing, cosmetics, household items. Why colors play a big role in our lives? Why did we abandon the monotony of color?

Color preferences reflect the internal state

Undoubtedly, human color preferences - it's part of his image, a matter of taste and aesthetics. However, such a variety of features and more dictated by the energy device of man. And sometimes the commitment of certain colors can be said about the psychological, emotional, and the internal state of a person. We are not considering the physics questions, and the perception of the color spectrum of colors of our eyes. We are talking about human energy, that is not visible to the eye.

Almost everyone at least once in his life heard about chakras. Chakras - the energy centers is responsible for the reception, storage and conversion of energy at different levels. There are 7 major chakras, each of them is "painted" in a different color on the colors of the rainbow (from red to violet). Therefore, an urgent need to recharge a particular color occurs due to failures in the energy centers of man.

Below I suggest a small test passed you will be able to diagnose at the lack of a particular energy.

Look around. Carefully inspect your home, belongings, clothing, purchased by you. Evaluate whether there is a predominant color. Perhaps you will see interior objects of the same color (hue), purchased at different times. In general - Specify the color to which you are particularly drawn.

What you surround yourself with objects of a certain color, means that you need clearing the chakras, which corresponds to the given color. There is an important point: the color does not just have you like - it must be present in your life in a large amount, you should pull him.

If you can not immediately answer the question "Do I have a color that dominates my life, to which you want to watch constantly and a lot", then at the moment you are in a state of energy balance.

The color values

Red. The color of vitality, strength and stability. Do you feel an urgent need in the red? This could mean:

- The lack of support, lack of support;

- Anxiety, uncertainty, feeling not safe;

- Anxiety, depression.

Red is associated with heat, fire. It is symbolic that the people in their lives attracting red, wish to draw and the human warmth, to feel protected and nourished the energy necessary for life, for ordinary, everyday activities.

Emotional symptoms: resentment, feelings of fear, anxiety, isolation, passivity.

Physical manifestations: illness lower back, spine, adrenal glands,

Orange. Color emotional experiences, pleasures. Pulls to orange if:

- People experiencing an acute need for new experiences, emotions;

- Needed entertainment, enjoyment of any nature (including sexual);

Emotional symptoms: irritability, anger, envy.

Physical manifestations: violation of the endocrine system, pain in the lower abdomen.

Yellow. Responsible for socialization, man's place in society and development. Proponents of yellow - the people:

- Wishing to establish themselves in society, improve their communication skills;

- Which is necessary to develop self-control and self-discipline;

- Which is necessary to define clear goals and objectives for the future.

I would like yellow? It's time to pay attention to a career, you may be "stagnant" in place. Also, yellow indicates the need for growth - smart, career.

Emotional symptoms: the desire to defend his point of view, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt.

Physical manifestations: diseases of the digestive system.

Green and pink. Displays of affection, love, vulnerability, emotional state. If your favorite at the moment is one of these colors, look for:

- Vulnerability and sentimentality;

- That a person takes everything to heart, "passes through a" compassionate;

- The need to love and be loved.

Emotional symptoms: excessive emotionality, feelings of guilt because of the failures of others, dependence on the love, the need to be paired.

Physical manifestations: diseases of the cardiovascular system, a weak immune system.

Blue. Color creative manifestation itself. The blue color expresses the energy of creativity and creation, creations with his own hands. Speaking about the need to speak out, to speak not only in art, but in life, tell us about what is haunted. Blue chakra is located in the throat. A creative people and touchy people often suffer from diseases of the throat (cold, sore throat), which symbolizes the deliverance of man from the accumulated surplus of the desire to tell the world about yourself (in a positive way - work in a negative - to tell about resentment and frustration).

Physical symptoms: sore throat, thyroid, metabolic disorders, overweight.

Blue. Color display in person beginning of spiritual growth. This need for:

- Expansion of spiritual vision, intuition, clairvoyance;

- Knowledge not only of the material world.

People-blue supporters - it's usually the people the primary stage of spiritual growth, with a small set of knowledge and skills. Maybe go to extremes - abuse of alcohol and stimulating substances.

"Blue" chakra - the chakra of the highest order, which works for people who seek spiritual growth and development.

Purple and White. Chakras correspond to a higher order. Unconscious love for these colors are the people close to enlightenment and illumination. These people are usually engaged in spiritual practices are in a constant state of spiritual growth and development. This desire for a higher level of consciousness

We dismantled all the colors that correspond to the energy centers of man. But, as is known, colors of the world over. And it is worth saying a few words about them.

Black. The color of renewal and change. It is believed mourning, but there is mourning and death? This transition to a new level. Hence the desire for black color usually represents a subconscious desire to global changes in life.

Brown. The variation of red, the color of the earth. The desire to stand firmly on his feet, no extreme in life, the need to support and protected.

If you do not see the color you want in the list, look for the closest of the color spectrum (eg, beige closest to Brown).

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