воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015 г.

          Choose your level of human values

I used to think that a person can be anything: a thief even though boor though a fraud. So, because there was his family life, was raised parents, or the spirit of it is necessary to pass these lessons.

I now understand it, but I want to be around him people of a different order, completely different. These are people for whom the honor of the word, dignity, conscience matter.

Probably because of the same household employment of women rarely think about these categories. More precisely, it is assumed that femininity they are not relevant, and therefore it is not necessary to work on the features that do not develop femininity, do not help to find a man and get married and it seems only interfere in the implementation of the external world. This is misleading. Any relationship can be long-term and quality only in one case: if the values ​​are the same people.

I have great concerns is the man who can not explain what it means for him the honor and the ability to keep his word. If conscience he defines as "I try not to lie, max - just keep silent," that as a person he is a sad picture. Conscience - that's for sure something more. If a person can not independently determine for itself the moral category, self-control, to evaluate their actions, it is very sad.

Psychologists can explain any behavior. In terms of how to find an excuse, it is very convenient science. Man has countless sexual encounters, manipulates, avoids responsibility? So he nedolyublennosti child, violation of his affection into force traumatic relationship with his mother, and much more.

But if you grew up, I became a man, educate yourself! Look for your self! You can always find a justification for the pain that you cause to other people, but most often you see what you're doing, even if you know of a response. If you have a healthy brain (without organic lesions of the child), you should be able to analyze. Even if some unseen force pushes you to steal or to use the body of another person at one time, you are able to understand, to see, to feel what others are doing bad. And you see! But these doubts prefer to stick to the far corner of consciousness and justify himself.

If a person controls the value of low-order: the money at any cost, the pleasure at any cost, pandering to his whims, he turns into a dirty, low-level creature.
Speaking psychological terms, the animal 'It' takes precedence over the "I" in the absence of "superego." "I" conscious and unconscious desires and satisfy the needs of "It" using norms and laws "superego." The presence of all three components - "It", "I" and "superego" - in the human psyche makes it complete, complete person. Otherwise, get a substitute, unfinished man, so it is impossible to build a full-fledged personal.

Neither mind nor intelligence nor education alone do not determine the value of the highest order. These values ​​are formed from the inner purity and fullness of tireless work on yourself. They make a person not just a living being, but a man. Only the values ​​of a high order: dignity, respect, self-esteem, willpower and strength of mind, conscience - set high vibration of the soul and make him clean and bright.

Such people can not live, friends, work with dirty characters. They will never be able to understand. They will inevitably seek to suppress and destroy. The unconscious many times more powerful and stronger than the super-consciousness.

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