вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

15 things that men like to say to women:

1. We never move away from the women with whom we are well. And even from those with whom they had once been good - not once.

2. We recognize in women less than half would like to. But twice as much as you think.

3. Most of us know how to wash. As well as iron, dust and even cook yourself something acceptable. Therefore, women's household help, we are not so necessary to endure for the sake of strife and disrespect.

4. We are not afraid of strong women. They just do not like us, like you do not like weak men. Both of these character - flawed, so easy to agree: a pair of strong women and weak men - it is not uncommon, but rather classic.

5. If a man seems to lack of initiative mattress, maybe he just does not want you. Yes, and this also happens! We are able to inflate like a peacock's tail, and hibernate - depending on the situation.

6. Reflections on the fate of another world and the futility of existence should alert you. These can be symptoms of prostatitis!

7. The girl yelling at the waiter, does not cause us to respect. A disappointment to the point of disgust.

8. Sometimes, we do know what we're doing. Even if you really do not want to admit it.

9. We can uncomplainingly a long time to perform all your whims. But sometimes it's just curiosity - how far you can go in his selfishness. According to the results usually follow draw conclusions.

10. In the world of about three billion women. And among beautiful among them is much greater than that of men - intelligent and successful. We are reminded of this when we are required too much and give too little.

11. Not all of us feel the fullness of women's disadvantage. With age, this question takes us less and less.

12. Each of us values ​​most in women availability. But only if the availability - for him alone. Forgive us for this paradox.

13. If one of us is a Woman in a restaurant, it does not mean anything. Similarly, it does not mean anything smiles, jokes and other flirtation. We just eyeing you as you are to us.

14. We also sometimes deal with you laugh, when you do not really want. Just not to offend. If you decide to go with us to bed only when you see fit, we can do the same. And laughter would be very good, but each - his own.

15. We are not blind, and notice your unshaven legs, not dyed hair roots and other trifles.

We just happen to do not care if we are passionate about you.

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